HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 99

Fiction: Group 2
Milan returned last to the lifeboat where his family waited. “How are all of you here already?”
Lucy explained, “As soon as I looked, I found treasures everywhere! There is so m-”
Before she could finish, a guard yelled “DON'T MOVE!”
Milan rowed furiously and it didn’t take long before the bodyguards lost sight of them.
When they returned, Xu was waiting. “What did you find?” he asked, gazing greedily at the sacks.
“I think I found the former king’s diary,” Milan said proudly, showing the book with torn edges.
“I thought
found the diary.” Shane poured the books out from his sack. “One of these ought to be it!”
“I took three sacks of gold,” Lucy said, blushing and ashamed of what she had stolen.
“I’m only interested in the books,” Xu exclaimed. “The diary could prove the past kings were evil and
my family can be royalty again.”
The Qings were confused. Xu explained, “My family was royalty but were overthrown because of
terrible rumours. We were exiled to this very ship, in the middle of the Pearl River Delta. We became
poorer by generation and now, we’re just pirates! This diary could prove the rumours were fake and the
present king is an evil usurper.”
Next day, Xu’s ship travelled up the Pearl River Delta to north-eastern China. The family bought nicer
clothes and knocked on the palace gates. “State your business!” a guard demanded.
Xu said, “We saw pirates robbing the royal ship and ambushed them. We have the stolen items with us,
and we’re returning them to the king.”
Whilst skeptical, the guard allowed the Qings and Xu to enter.
In the hall, Xu approached the king and waved the diary. “I am Xu You. This is your ancestor’s diary. It
proves you’re evil and stole my family’s throne. Return the throne to my family and leave. This is
The king looked scared. “GUAR-” he shouted, but Xu placed his hand over the king’s mouth.
“The deal?” Xu reminded the king.
“It’s off,” the king said. “You’re delusional. This throne is rightfully ours. The diary proves nothing.
They’re just tales my family made up to relieve stress. Are those behind you your hostages? Free them!
They’ve no reason to be dragged into this.”
Milan started speaking, but the king interrupted, “GO!
have a free life! Don't believe in Xu’s
lies. I’m
The king pushed the Qings out the door and handed Milan a bag of gold. He instructed the guard to
send them to an empty house, far away from the palace. The guard obliged. The king laughed as he
slammed the doors shut and return to his throne. “You’re right! We’re evil,” he said, looking at Xu. “But
tell me, why would I follow a pirate’s orders? I'm this country’s most powerful person. You’ll be jailed for
life. Be glad you’re not being hanged.”
That was the king’s order. But Xu didn’t stay in jail for more than a few days. How did he escape? No
one knew. And no one will ever know…
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