HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 93

Fiction: Group 2
Rescue of The Pearl River Delta
Bradbury School, Lee, Charlotte - 8, Fiction: Group 2
t was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining down on the sparkly sea. Three
girls were strolling down a pretty garden, sipping hot cocoa and giggling.
Their names were Allison, Stephanie and Teresa. They were all best friends, and
lived on the same town in Queensland. Allison lived in a small cottage, Stephanie
lived in a busy apartment and Teresa lived in a huge mansion. They all lived in
Australia, and had pets. Allison had a kitten called Princess, Stephanie had a
Sheepdog called Harry and Teresa had a bunny called Hoppy
One day, it was Valentines’ day, the kids and their pets went out at dusk to secretly
surprise their parents by picking lots of flowers and putting them in baskets. "What a
peaceful, quiet sunrise!" whispered Stephanie. “I agree!" whispered Teresa, plucking a rose. She scraped the
soil off, and suddenly, a glittery heart fell to the ground.
"What's this?" she asked, picking up the heart.
“Arf! Arf!” Growled Harry, he tugged on the leash and sent Stephanie flying.
“Whoah! What’s up? Boy, what’s up?”
Harry didn’t answer, he just started stampeding towards a sunflower. “AHHHH!” Screeched the girls,
holding onto one another. Harry suddenly skidded to a halt. He started digging, sending soil splattering the
girls. “Sometimes I really hate you.” said Stephanie all covered in soil, she glared at Harry
who was grinning and panting.
“Hoppy? Hoppy?” Screamed Teresa.
Harry ran in , yapping, followed by Princess, hissing as she ran after him. The girls leapt into the hole and
said “It’s a PORTAL!”
“But to where-EEEKKK!” Allison screamed, as the portal took off.
Soon, Allison opened her eyes with a bunch of Chinese people staring at her,
muttering nonsense. She shrieked and grabbed her tote bag. She pulled out an “Easy
to read Chinese” book, tried to translate these words, “Ni Hao, wo men zai na ni?”
“Lei dei hai Guangzhou ah”said the Chinese people.
“Oh!” Exclaimed Allison, then turned to the “Cantonese” chapter. Allison gasped, and rushed out over to
the other girls. “Wake up! Wake up! We’re in Guangzhou!” Stephanie and Teresa jerked awake.
“But…but how do you know?” Stammered Teresa, trembling. Allison held up her books and the other
girls’ eyes widened with
fear. Allison eyed a strange looking river with a little girl walking over to it with a garbage bin filled to the
“According to the map, we’re next to the Pearl River Delta!” cried Allison. “Not only that, but it’s being
POLLUTED!” The little girl was just going to dump her rubbish into the water until….
“Stop!” Yelled the girls in unison. The little girl stared and said “Are….you…China?”
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