HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 97

Fiction: Group 2
“Of course I can,” I said bravely, “you have a lot of explaining to do and by the way nobody can miss your
bright white hat even if they wanted to. So, who are you and what are you doing here in my house?”
“I am so sorry,” said the magician, “I didn’t mean to bother you. I was supposed to be invisible but it seems
the trick hasn't worked. I was just practicing my magic as your house is nice and warm and toasty and it's
freezing out there. My house is really cold and my wife doesn't let me practice my magic at home as it
disturbs her. So when I came across your house, I couldn’t resist staying here a bit longer and work out a
few moves. By the way, my name is Ming Ming the Magician. What is your name?”
Somehow, what he said made perfect sense to me and put me in the mood to strike a deal. I said, “I am
Jack. Nice to meet you. Okay, you can stay and practice as long as you aren’t too noisy AND teach me
some magic skills.”
Ming Ming agreed and I spent the next few days and nights learning all about magic. It was tough at first,
but I guess I have a natural talent for magic. The best part was trying these new tricks with my friends at
school and with my little brother Peter. I could now make coins disappear, take a rabbit out of a hat, tie 10
hankies into one, and get the rings tangled without anyone finding out how. I now felt that I was ready for
the talent show and couldn't wait to show off my new skills.
The big day of the talent show was fast approaching and I was yet to learn the disappearing act. In fact, one
night he said what I feared the most.
“Jack, this is my last visit as I am leaving for north China and I don't know when I will be back.”
“Oh no!” I said, “But the talent show is in 5 days’ time and I am yet to perfect my act”.
Ming Ming smiled and said, “Jack, magic is what you believe in from your heart. Have faith in what you
know and try just few simple tricks rather than trying to impress everyone with something really difficult.
Just focus on what you know”.
And with these words Ming Ming turned about and left.
I was nervous on the day of the talent show but I tried to remember what Ming Ming had told me. As I
went on to the stage, I was sure about what I knew and did a few simple tricks. To my surprise, everybody
loved them and I won the first prize in my age group. I was so happy and my family and friends are proud
of me.
To this day, I remember what Ming Ming said that night and I hope I get to see him again someday…
although I still can’t figure out why no one else other than me ever saw him! Interesting, isn't it!?!?
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