HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 96

Fiction: Group 2
The Spooky Room
Bradbury School, Seth, Reiya - 8, Fiction: Group 2
was back from a long day at Hongkong Disneyland. I went to bed and tucked myself in. Suddenly, I
heard a spooky, ghostly noise from the next room. It sounded like “eeeeeyiiiooooh!’’. I yelled out
with fear and my parents ran in to my room.
“What is it?” asked Mummy.
“I heard a spooky sound from the next room!”
“You mean your brothers room?”
“YES!” cried me.
“You know Jack” said Dad “I heard those sounds when I was little but realised it was just my imagination.
Do not let imagination get better of us.”
My parents left. It was quiet again. “Maybe it was just my imagination” I said to myself and closed my eyes
but suddenly the noise came again. This time it was like a witch laughing. Just like the ghost noise it stopped
but this time it stopped for longer. I waited and waited but nothing happened. I waited some more but still
nothing. I realised that the ghost and the witch who were making those sounds fell asleep. I knew they were
going to fall asleep as it is quite late but not for me I mean it is only YIKES 12 o’clock midnight. Well,
better go to sleep.
In the morning, I figured who must have made those sounds. It had to be my cheeky little brother Peter.
And I almost thought it was a ghost!
“Jack!” shouted Peter “I did not make those sounds”.
“Well, if it wasn't you, who was it?” I said and wondered. Something had to be done to get to the bottom
of this mystery.
I decided to investigate. That night I went to bed with a torch and pretended to go to sleep. An hour or so
into the night, the sounds started. I got out of bed and followed the noise in the darkness with only my
torch showing the way. I was scared as I walked across the dark hallway and reached the living room. What
I saw next sent a chill down my spine and I froze in my pyjamas. There was a magician at the other end of
the room wearing a black cape and a white hat trying out what seemed like a magic trick! It seemed like
forever for me to regain my courage and resist yelling, but I had to do something. After all, this is my house
and what’s magician doing in here? So I mustered all my courage, said a small prayer under my breath and
uttered my first words.
“Hey, who are you and what are you doing in my living room”?
Those words caught the magician by surprise and he saw me as if he had seen a ghost! “What the…”, said
he, “You can see me!?!”
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