HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 122

Fiction: Group 2
Food Power of the Pearl River Delta
Creative Primary School, Ho, Tiffany - 10, Fiction: Group 2
egend has it that long before the first person was born, the banana loving Tabangs ruled the world.
Now, most of the Tabangs are extinct, and no one knows why. But there are some Tabangs left,
hiding secretly in Tabang land.
Stuart and Dave are Tabangs, they knew they are the most rare living things in the world. They knew
they should be hiding from humans, but they wanted to explore the world. They also knew the fastest way
to travel around the world is to ride an airplane. Travelling on an airplane is the most dangerous thing to the
Tabangs because of the air pressure, they will become big and small. But the fearless Stuart and Dave
decided to go anyways.
They sneaked out of the Tabang Secret Lab (TSL). Unfortunately, the Tabang master Pigai, caught
them and dragged them back into the TSL. They tried again, this time they were dressed as sweepers, Pigai
caught them again. The third time they tried, they used their invisible ray to shoot themselves and they
disappeared! They sneaked out of the TSL and Pigai did not catch them! So they ran back to TSL, packed
their suitcases with everything they might need, rode a taxi to the airport. Stuart and Dave wanted to go to
the airport because they wanted to go to Hong Kong and Macau to try the delicious food. The two cities
had won the “Pearl River Delta's Most Delicious Food Contest 2015”. They bought two first class tickets
and caught a flight from Tabang land to Hong Kong.
When they got on the plane, the disguised Stuart immediately asked the flight attendant to bring him a
banana split, banana smoothie and a banana. The flight attendant gave Stuart a wired look and gave Stuart
what he wanted. Stuart watched ten movies and fell asleep. During the flight, Dave kept shrinking and
expanding. Dave realized that Stuart did not shrink or expand, so he asked Stuart what he had done. Stuart
told Dave that all he did was eating bananas and sleeping. Suddenly, Dave got it! He ordered a banana, ate it
and immediately stopped shrinking or expanding. Dave had figured out how to control the Tabang shrink-
Back in Tabang land, Pigai was anxiously counting her Tabangs, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9..... “We're
missing two Tabangs!” cried Pagai. Which, of course, were Stuart and Dave.
While Pigai was counting the Tabangs, Stuart and Dave got off the plane and went to get their luggage.
After they had walked to their hotel, they slept. The next morning, Stuart’s hungry stomach woke him up.
Stuart jumped onto Dave's bed and woke him up. They zapped themselves with invisible ray and went out
of the hotel. The first stop Stuart dragged Dave to was North Point Bubble Waffle store. Stuart tried to wait
in line but he was impatient. After a few minutes, he went to the front of the line and stole someone else's
bubble waffle while the person was paying. “Ahhhh!” screamed the person, “the bubble waffle is flying!”
While he was screaming, Stuart and Dave were dashing to their hotel room. When they got to the hotel,
they ate the Bubble Waffle. It tasted crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Stuart and Dave ate more
Bubble Waffle for dinner.
In the hotel room, Stuart and Dave packed their suitcases for the flight to Macau the next morning.
When they were about to sleep, they suddenly became bubbles and they could fly, all because they ate
Bubble Waffle! The next morning, Stuart and Dave were gloomy because they were not bubbles anymore.
“That doesn't matter,” Said Stuart, “let's get more Bubble Waffle so we can become bubbles and fly to
Macau!” When they were in Macau, they ate Portuguese egg tarts. They tasted yummy. This time they
turned into two eggs, just like Humpty Dumpty, with a funny crown that looked liked an egg tart! For
dinner, Stuart and Dave tried to make Portuguese chicken. It tasted horrible because they didn't know how
to make it! Although they tasted very little chicken, they still turned into chickens! Now they wanted to go
home, so they started flying, but their chicken-wing power only lasted long enough for a flight back to
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