HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 129

Fiction: Group 2
Attack of the Mutants
Creative Primary School, Tse, Timothy - 12, Fiction: Group 2
hrow it in the River. The fish will eat it up. If they die, huh, we don’t care!” SPLASH!
Barrels and barrels of factory waste tumbled into the Pearl River.
150 years later, in Year 2165
A curious boy of seven years, by the name of Josh, went up a hill with his parents. He saw the
whole Pearl River Delta for the first time. “It’s amazing! I’ll like to come here more often!” exclaimed
Josh. “Hmmm… later you might not see the Delta,” his father replied sadly. “Who would destroy such a
beautiful view?” Greedy Businessmen is the grave answer, Josh sighed and rested his hand into a crystal-
clear river next to him.
Suddenly, a blinding light flashed from the water as Josh’s parents tried to search for each other.
Josh saw a black fish swimming towards his hand. He quickly recognized it was a White Cloud Mountain
Minnow. But Mountain Minnows were usually white. The fish stopped inquisitively in front of his hand,
circled it casually then bit Josh’s finger and fled. Josh swiftly removed his hand. The bite stung.
Five years later
“It doesn’t make sense!” grumbled the doctor, “Your son has grown 50cm in 5 years!” “Yes,”
exasperated Josh’s father. He is now taller and stronger than his parents and everybody that he has ever met.
“Strange enough... But one thing I can tell: his blood cells are not ALL human. It’s like … he is a
“Vroom! Vroom!” rumbled the boat’s motor, speeding through the filthy waters from Hong Kong
to Taishan. Josh was delighted to accompany his father on a trip, but any happiness was overcome with rage.
Humans had polluted the Pearl River so much that you could see rubbish floating everywhere. Josh was
looking at the murky water when he saw a sinister shadow following the boat. At first he thought that it was
a piece of rubbish. But it was accelerating too swiftly, so he dreaded for something bigger or worst.
Unexpectedly a winged Chinese Sturgeon monster skirted up from the water and slammed on the boat. It
bellowed and seized Josh with his whacking wings, instantly diving into the water. Josh struggled, but
couldn’t get away from the Sturgeon-beast. His head was throbbing and his heart was pounding profusely.
Spots danced in front of his eyes and the world started to spin. Abruptly, a voice said, “Josh! You can
breathe underwater!” Josh tried. It worked. He was breathing underwater!
The Sturgeon-beast swam into a cave and threw Josh in. Glancing at Josh, “I am Sturg.” The
words echoed in his head, causing him pain. All of a sudden, a black fish swam towards him, and said, “I
am Fizzo. We’ve met five years ago, remember?” “Ahhh!” yelled Josh, “You’re the one who bit me!”
“Yes,” nodded Fizzo, “We want to warn you about something. The pollution caused by humans has made
my brother, Fizza and I mutants. While I accept this mutation, Fizza has used his powers to control the
other mutants, causing them to be devilish.” “So what? Devilish mutants are not my fault!” snarled Josh.
“As revenge for all the mutated sea life, Fizza wants to end the human world, starting in this Delta!” roared
Sturg. “Humans will be extinct?” panicked Josh. “You must warn the human race!” proclaimed Fizzo.
In the middle of a coral reef, a treacherous tower rose high above the other reefs. “That is the
main tower where Fizza lives,” pointed Fizzo. Josh narrowed his eyes. He saw four gates in the four
directions guarded by Sturgeon-beasts. Suddenly, a Sturgeon-beast came out of nowhere and hit the
guards with a long rod, then motioned them to come over. Josh bolted to the Sturgeon-beast, with Fizzo
following him. The Sturgeon-beast proudly grinned at Josh. “Sturg?!” they gasped. “Let’s go!” declared
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