HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 128

Fiction: Group 2
Siu-Ming replied, “Ernesto, stay calm. I once heard an old rhyme from my fisherman friend:
Mysterious pearl in the orient
The ribbon connects the river it went
Water that the chalice holds
The church survives the fire it goes
Sword that is hiding in the cave
Protecting the lady all the way
All are held by the brother
Ties the ribbon together”
After a long silence, Ernesto exclaimed, “I’ve got it. Siu-Ming, wait for me at the Ngong Ping 360
Ernesto murmured to himself, “Ribbon…must be the bridge linking three places together. Brother of
Hong Kong… must be Macau…they both were once the colonies of other countries but now back to
China…” He rushed to the ruin of Sao Paulo Cathedral, broke the glass underneath the church entrance
and got the golden chalice. He filled the cup with holy water in a nearby church. After that, he ran to the
cave behind A-Ma temple and grabbed the sword next to the beautiful goddess statue dressed in bright red
Chinese gown.
Then, Ernesto took the helicopter and rushed to Lantau Island. He gave the chalice to Siu-Ming, who
was waiting at the station.
“We must do that fast before Clamonster breaks the base. We can’t let the bridge fall!” Siu-Ming took
the chalice and got into the cable car.
When the cable car was up where Siu-Ming saw the bridge base, he threw the holy grail towards the
base. Clamonster became visible when the water inside the cup splashed onto it. It was as big as a bear. It
got a clam head, razor sharp teeth and legs as strong as a kangaroo. But, it got a soft belly. Then, Ernesto
took a speedboat. When he found the visible Clamonster chewing the bridge, he jumped off the boat and
swam towards it, took the sword out, and stabbed into its soft belly with all his might. The monster cried in
terrible pain, and in a second, it turned into a pile of dust, and floated away along the water.
Couple years later, Siu-Ming drove his car along Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge to visit Ernesto.
“It’s a lot easier to visit you now,” said Siu-Ming.
“Yes, after I had killed Clamonster, people noticed the pollution caused the clam with no other choice,
but to eat that poisonous liquid. Now, the river is much cleaner, and it looks clear and sparkling under the
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