HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 136

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of Pearl River Delta
Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division, Choi, Alden - 12, Fiction: Group 2
long time ago, the Pearl River Delta was named Jewel River. It was because each day new jewels
were to be found floating on the waters of the river. All the people living near the river were rich
and they all lived happily.
One day though, when the people went back to the river to collect jewels as they did every day,
there were no jewels to be found. “How strange”, they thought. “Where have all the jewels gone?” As
they were thinking this, Guo Pu, the immortal of the Water Realm, rose from the river, while everybody
looked up at the gigantic form of the deity, he announced to everyone, “As you can see, all the jewels have
disappeared, I was the one who had taken them all. This is a punishment for being so greedy. But, I will
give you a test. I will put all the jewels back into the river, and I will also take a sum of your money so that
you will have the amount of money you should have earned from working. For six months, no one is
allowed to take any jewels from the river. If you pass the test, all the jewels shall remain here forever.
Mark my words, I will be watching the river.” With that he dissolved into the river, and the people
grumbled on the way back to their homes.
For six months, only a third of the people didn’t return to Jewel River to collect jewels. Most of
them didn’t get used to having so little money, and were already desperate for money after a month.
After six months, the people returned to Jewel River, Guo Pu returned, and he said “Only a third
of you have not collected jewels from Jewel River, therefore I shall take away all the jewels, but I will leave
ten thousand pearls, and this river shall be renamed the Pearl River Delta!” With that, he disappeared.
Thus, Jewel River was renamed Pearl River Delta.
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