HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 134

Fiction: Group 2
Li and the Pearl River
Delia School of Canada, Panda, Amrita - 10, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, there was a poor girl named Li who lived with her family
beside the Pearl River. Her dad was a fisherman and totally depended on the
Pearl River. One day, Li went fishing with her dad. She loved going fishing
since she had nothing else to do during the day. Li and her dad got a big surprise when
they came to the river. There were hardly any fish! The townspeople nearby had polluted
their magnificent river. Now the river was murky and disgraceful.
Li’s family starved day by day. Her dad tried his best to make some money for his
family, but it was in vain. The fish he found in the river did not fetch a good price since
they looked diseased and unhealthy. The most Li got to eat everyday was a piece of
potato, a third of a slice bread and some water. Sometimes she had to skip meals.
One night, when everyone was sleeping, Li went outside. She suddenly burst into
tears. Li was so sad and hungry. Just then, she saw a shimmering light that turned into
something like a…like a fairy! It was a fairy! The fairy flew towards Li leaving her
“A…a fairy?!” Li staggered.
“Yes, I am a fairy.” said the heavenly voice. “You have been a good girl and have
obeyed your parents. We won’t let you die. You can have one wish of what your heart
“One wish, that my heart desires. Dear fairy, can I tell you my wish tomorrow?”
“By all means. Come here at the same time tomorrow.” responded the fairy.
Li went back to sleep after that. Li thought about her wish all day and finally
thought of a suitable wish. The next night she went outside calling for the fairy. No one
answered. Li began wondering if she had dreamt it all. Just then she heard a little voice,
“I’m here Li!” Li turned around saw the fairy. “Have you thought of your wish?” said the
“Yes and hopefully it works.”
“What is your wish?”
“I wish that the river will be fresh and clean again.”
“Your wish will be granted.” said the fairy.
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