HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 161

Fiction: Group 2
I turned to regard the sight before me and smiled. It had been over a thousand and five hundred
years since I had fought in a large scale battle. The last one was against the "Great Sage that Equals All
Heaven". That one was awesome.
Before long, a fleet of ships appeared on the horizon. The Dutch army was approaching. I tightened
my grip on my spear. Time to fight.
The Dutch alighted on the land, yelling battle cries and brandishing their swords
menacingly. Surprisingly, none of us were scared. We simply stood our ground and waited as they got closer
and closer. The sky slowly grew darker. Great thunderclouds formed in the air. I grinned. I had asked my
good friends, the Thunder God and the Lightning Goddess, to strike the Dutch army with lightning and
thunder. I knew that I was probably overdoing it, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
A thin streak of lightning struck the beach. The signal to attack. Our army hollered in a
voice louder than the Netherlanders' and surged forwards.
I aided our army as well as I could. Whenever one of our members was in mortal peril, I
would use my Red Armillary Sash to strangle the enemy. Otherwise, I mainly enjoyed myself by screaming
down from the sky, piercing Dutch warriors with my spear and thumping people on the heads with my
Universal Ring. A few times, the Thunder God took great pleasure in striking down a few men with
thunderbolts crafted by his hammer and chisel.
Before long, the white sand was littered with corpses and the blue sea was stained red with
After three days of fighting, the sorry remainder of the Dutch fleet sailed away from
Macau. Even though the Dutch were experienced, they were greatly outnumbered by our army of valiant
fighters. We had killed more than three hundred of their men and wounded one hundred and twenty-six.
On our side, though, only twenty were wounded and only a few had fallen.
As I gazed over the celebrating citizens, I smiled to myself once again. Mission
accomplished. As the rising sun turned the sky pink and gold, I took leave of the battle ground and headed
for heaven, my home.
*hossu: a small-sized mop used by Chinese gods to perform magic.
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