HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 164

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Diocesan Preparatory School, Leung, Janice - 9, Fiction: Group 2
he Pearl River Delta is situated in China. It is a very good place to live because its soil along the
river is very fertile and the grass is very green and fresh. Many people like to live there and enjoy
their lives.
Once upon a time there were twins, brother and sister. The boy was Peter and the girl was
Miranda. They had the similar interests and ideas; they always agreed with each other so they never
quarreled. They lived with their parents in a farmhouse near the Pearl River Delta. Inside their farmhouse,
there lived a heap of animals and poultry, the sheep, horses, cows, donkeys, chickens and ducks, etc. They
also enjoyed many good harvests of vegetables, wheat and fruits. They lived happily and stayed there for as
long as they could remember.
The twins were very adventurous. They were always going to explore some exciting adventures.
One day Peter and Miranda went to the nearly stream and caught a two foot long fish. It was the biggest
fish that they had ever seen. The giant fish was jumping around and suddenly pulled Miranda down into the
stream. When Peter saw her drop into the water, he immediately jumped into the stream to rescue his
sister. Luckily they were good at swimming and they were finally safe. Another night, they also went to an
overnight camp themselves and discovered many bright fireflies. They used a jar to captive many fireflies
and made a lamp in their tent that night.
Every year they had good harvests and all their animals were healthy. But one year, their harvests
failed and some animals suddenly disappeared or even died. The twins were shocked and their parents were
very worried about their living. When Miranda heard the bad news, she shouted, “What a mystery! Why
did it happen like this? Would it be a magic spell?”
Peter went to ask their neighbours and they also said, “Ours too!” or “What happened? So scary!
How about our lives? ” The two twins went home unhappily and told their parents. They really didn’t
know why it had happened and what to do. They wanted to find out why. The people in the village were
very worried and frustrated until a team of Agricultural Inspectors came to the village and asked about what
had happened with them and asked if they needed help.
The families shouted together, “Yes! Yes! We need help! Our harvests and animals are going to
fail. Could you please help us?”
The Inspectors went around all streams and tested the river water. They found that the water was
polluted by heavy metals and chemicals. At the same time, Peter and Miranda followed the inspectors
quietly and they found some dead bodies of the animals in the rivers. They felt so horrible and Miranda
even burst out tears. For several months, the team of Agricultural Inspectors and the workers often came to
the village and constructed a water filtration system and built some dams along the Pearl River. After the
system was completed, all families were never worried. The inspectors and the people in the village
thanked Peter and Miranda for their help and praised them for their bravery. Peter and Miranda were very
excited and they continued their wonderful adventures exploring the Pearl River Delta.
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