HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 166

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Diocesan Preparatory School, Cheung, Sum Yu - 9, Fiction: Group 2
t all started many years ago when flying was still a dream. Two brothers, Peter and Leo Brown, who
had just finished their first term in Peking University, had decided to take a trip down to Hongkong
after their Professor Dubensmorv had told them of the strange stories of the Pearl River Delta.
Dubensmorv told them to remember the “word” when they were in danger, and to go and find Captain
Chow, who was the best sailor in the Pearl River Delta.
So the story began. They found Captain Chow without difficulty, who agreed to take them down to
Hongkong on his junk – Mary. Mary was small but very fast with her twin sails. Suddenly, the ship began to
shook, swerved and then spun. The boys started to panic and Chow was nowhere to be seen. Quickly,
Peter walked over to the side and had a look. Gosh, to his horror, there was a huge black monster shark
leaping out of the water. Between its sharp jaws Peter could still see the shoelaces of Captain Chow. “Oh,
God, what can we do now!” Peter was a javelin thrower at school. He instinctively picked up a harpoon off
the deck and threw it with all his might towards the monster shark. It hit the left eye of the monster by
chance, and without a cry the big black fish dropped back into the water and was gone. Soon everything
calmed down, but, unfortunately, they were inexperienced sailors, and as they let the ship to drift at its own
speed , it didn't take long for Mary to crash into a rock and capsize. They were immediately sucked into the
deep water by an underwater current.
Peter and Leo thought that they would drown soon but they found themselves breathing air in a moist and
slimy place. And wait, Leo thought, “Did I smell meat?” He looked around and saw a campfire at the far
corner. In the dim light, he saw a person sitting next to the fire and he was cooking! Yes, literally cooking
with pots and pans. So they walked over to have a closer look. “Blimey, is that you, Lucy?” Exclaimed Leo.
The girl called Lucy stared back and almost cry. “Yes, it's me, indeed, Leo! I was told of the tales of Pearl
River Delta and wished to come to have a look. Of course, I never knew I would end up in a fish’s
stomach!” Explained Lucy. So here it was, they were swallowed by a whale. They decided they should find
a way out as seafood wasn't their favourite food.
After some barbecued eels and seaweed soup they started to explore the place. Soon they stumbled on large
puddle of water which made a weak sound. Leo got a closer look into the puddle and saw a miniature fish.
It was a clown fish who can talk! “I’m Nemo and can you watch your steps?” Leo was less startled after
what had happened and asked Nemo whether it knew of a way out of this place. Nemo replied, “that's easy,
find the fountain and stand on it and wait, eventually you will be sent out.” Although puzzled they decided
to give it a try. It didn't took long as the little bubbly fountain was not far from Lucy’s campfire. After they
had stood on the fountain for a while, it exploded suddenly like a volcanic eruption. Up they went out of
the whale, back into the water, and up into the air! Just when they thought they will fall back into the
water, something grasped them into the sky!
Peter looked up and saw huge wings above him. He looked over his shoulder and saw the others had also
beem grabbed by huge eagles. These eagles were hunting for food coming out from the whale, and now
they had caught the humans for dinner! Soon they were dropped into an eyrie. Standing in the middle was a
bear. He was the leader of the eagles. “Hello, I'm Paddington, welcome to my kingdom and thank you for
being so generous to sacrifice yourselves as my supper,” said the bear.
“Paddington, aren’t you suppose to be in London with my Uncle Brown?” Said Leo. (The story of the
other Paddington Bear is another tale.) But this Paddington was cruel and liked to kill. So our young heroes
was in deep trouble! Then Leo remembered that Paddington bears liked marmalade very much. So he lied
that he could help find lots of marmalade in Hongkong. Paddington was no fool but he was greedy so he
pretended to accept their offer and spare their lives, at least for now.
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