HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 170

Fiction: Group 2
Greeting the leader coolly, Vivian informed him, “Mister President, I am pleased to tell you that we have
found the man who is causing all these things.”
The president gave them a long, worried look, and then asked, “Yes?”
“My conclusion is that we have wasted a precious week finding a supposedly mastermind from the other
side of the earth, but all along, the culprit has been …” At this point, Vivian tilted her head and pursed her
lips, “you.”
Just this simple word was a signal for the old man to take action. The leader tore off his white beard, and
revealed a black moustache.
“Of course it was me! I had to pretend to be a vulnerable weakling for an entire week, too! See, I
abducted the real leader, for my greatest ambition!” Gasping for breath, he continued with a smirk, “You
fell into my trap – hahahahaha…”
“I don’t think so.” A voice from distance came, and two police officers came. They declared loudly, “Mr
Johnson, I am afraid you have broken the law for the umpteenth time. You are under arrest!” Mr Johnson
tried to escape, but Li caught him quickly. Soon, he was behind bars again in no time, and the software was
After the arrest, the police officers asked Vivian and Li,” How may we thank you?”
“Just send me back to the 21
century,” Vivian replied, with a smile on her face.
“Yes,” added Li. “She is from the past.”
Suddenly, to Vivian’s surprise, the world became black…
When she regained her consciousness, her mum asked her where she had been. She smiled, “I have done
a good deed for the future!”
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