HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 171

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Diocesan Preparatory School, Om, Bhandari - 11, Fiction: Group 2
he Pearl River Delta - an advanced city where technology has already evolved and injected into
human's daily life. The evolution of technology has gone to the point where science may have
gone too far. The city is a huge megacity.
The Pearl River lies in the Guangdong province, and it
flows to the South China Sea. Oh yeah, the sea is no longer used for transportation or shipping of goods -
people are using hovercrafts, jetpacks, and flying cars as transportation. Yes, it is the 26th century.
Meanwhile, a boy named Barry Allen was living happily with his family. He went to school like a normal
kid, lived life like there was no tomorrow. His best friend was Aidan. He talked to him for hours even after
school. Life was great, no one was in poverty. Everyone owned cars. Resources had never become
But the happiness didn't last that long. You might be thinking, where are the robots and them helping
people in daily life? Isn't it the 26th century? Exactly. Scientists had invented robots to assist humans in
life. But there was a problem with robots being, "too intelligent".
"Hey Aidan, have you ever thought about robots taking over the world? I mean, it happens all the time in
the movies, but could it happen in real life?" Barry asked.
"That's just nonsense, it'll never happen!" replied Aidan. He was feeling confident but Barry started to feel
"There's a chance..." He muttered. He was actually scared of it happening.
"Don't worry, we're in Pearl River Delta, nothing can go wrong," Aidan said. A chill ran down Zack's
spine just then.
A month later, Barry’s nightmare actually happened.
"What's going on?" Barry's mom exclaimed. "This is madness!"
Barry just ignored her. He was focused on the news on the hologram.
"The robots have gone crazy! Scientists are investigating why they have become uncontrollable." Barry was
immediately terrified on what the news anchor had just said.
And only he knew how to stop it. Barry had been studying robots, fearing this day would come ever since
he was toddler. His IQ was higher than Issac Newton’s, but he didn’t know that.
He immediately picked up his phone and called Aidan, "I know how to stop the robots. We have to bring
along some backup though. Now.”
Barry had his team. Aidan, Eli and Toshi. They all knew how to fight – all experienced in martial arts.
"We're ready."
"The power source... we gotta shut down the power source! This city is becoming worse and worse, it has
already become chaotic. We gotta stop it soon, or else innocent people will be killed by the robots,” Barry
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