HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 172

Fiction: Group 2
The power source was in the center of the city. It was well-hidden so that no one could ever tamper with
The mayor fled out of the city in time like a little coward, but what he left was a riddle leading to the power
The riddle was:
Flies up or down.
In a building easily found.
Doesn't usually hang around,
Strictly family compound.
Barry cracked the code immediately. He told the gang to go straight for the elevator. He saw the TV in
the lift. The news was on, and he was immediately frightened by what the anchor said.
"The robots are going to flood us all! Escape if you can! They're going to flood the Pearl Riv-" She was
interrupted before she could even finish. It was the robots.
Eli saw a button called ‘Underground’, and pressed it.
They went down and down. It felt like hours though it was not more than a minute. Toshi thought it was
just too easy. He told Zack that it might be a trap, but Barry just said one word, "Fearless."
Once Barry stepped once, he felt the walls moving, the ground shaking. Robots started appearing
everywhere, surrounding them. Nevertheless, they didn't feel scared at all. They were confident.
The team ran at the robots. They got into their fighting pose, and the bots started charging at them.
Barry swung his leg around and did a roundhouse kick. "Nothing is impossible," he thought to himself.
All the others did the same, but they knew they were just being distracted and to buy time for the other
robots to flood the Pearl River and to kill everyone in Pearl River Delta and later, the world. Barry saw the
button, and started to head for it. But then ...
He saw his friends being punched in the stomach and felt the pain, too. They were special people in his
heart. It was either his friends or saving the citizens. Then, Barry felt his whole body vibrating. He became
the impossible. One second late and his friends would be dead. Even if Barry pressed the button, the robots
killing his friends would still be alive. They were battery-powered.
Barry chose both.
Barry Allen ran so quickly, it was millions times faster than the speed of light – few thousand times around
the equator a second.
Aidan, Toshi and Eli just saw a blur, lightning and red. He got them to safety. But
his energy was drained out. His only goal was to press the button. Bots were dragging his feet. His only last
percent of energy was his only hope. He ran to his last destination and pressed the button.
Everyone was safe.
Except him.
Robots charged at him and piled on him.
Barry was squashed to death.
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