HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 248

Fiction: Group 2
Dolphin's Pollution
Glenealy School, Yiannakis, Emily - 9, Fiction: Group 2
here once were two blue sparkly dolphins. Their names were Sparkle and Pearl. They lived in the
Pearl River Delta which is a big river in Hong Kong. The rest of their family was not alive
because they died from the horrible pollution in the river.
Who did that, you wonder? At the top of the mountain was a very mean man called Charlie who worked in
a factory which made lots of pollution. But he didn’t care about the dolphins.
One day he saw Sparkle and Pearl, but he did not stop polluting the water and the air. Charlie didn't care
about animals he only cared about himself. Sparkle and Pearl were splashing and diving.
“Ahoy!” said some pirates called Chloe, Millie, Vanessa, Jade and the captain of all four pirates was Macey.
These pirates were both beautiful and nice, but they could also be really mean.
Charlie made it worse for the dolphins when he threw trash in the river and even dirty water. He also has
many cars and they can make pollution too. It was really bad. Pollution started to come from the top of the
mountain where Charlie worked and Sparkle and Pearl started having problems breathing.
Charlie, who was wearing a face mask, just laughed. “Ha Ha!”
The pollution was going everywhere in Hong Kong, but Charlie didn't care. Chloe, Millie, Vanessa, Jade
and Macey saw it.
“What is that?” Jade asked. “Where are the ...”
“That’s pollution, “Macey said interrupting.
“Panic!” they all said, except Macey.
“There is no need to panic,” Macey said.
The dolphins were really scared. They couldn’t breathe and they were swimming as fast as they could.
Sparkle and Pearl were swimming when they saw a small dark cave to keep safe. After a while, Chloe,
Millie, Vanessa, Jade and Macey stopped sailing and arrived on land and they could see the pollution come
closer. Chloe, Millie, Vanessa, Jade and Macey saw Charlie.
Vanessa said, “Look, there’s a man on top of the mountain. Maybe that’s who’s causing the pollution.
Maybe it’s from petrol and smoking as well as from the factories.”
Sparkle and Pearl were hiding and they looked out of the cave. It was safer now since the pirates were going
to fix the pollution problem.
Sparkle and Pearl were wondering who was coming up the mountain, so they swam closer to the mountain
to see. When the pirates were at the top of the mountain Charlie was looking out to the harbour. Chloe,
Millie, Vanessa, Jade and Macey went up to Charlie.
“Ahem,” they said.
“What!” he shouted “I am not supposed to be seeing anyone right now.”
“This will only take 5 minutes,” Macey said.
“Fine. As long as it’s something important,” Charlie replied.
“Well it is. You know those dolphins? asked Macey.
“Yeah - Pearl and Sparkle,” said Charlie.
“Have you been polluting the dolphins’ habitat?” the pirates asked. “Do you think you can stop because
you're almost killing them. There are not a lot of dolphins left.”
“No,” Charlie said angrily. “You are not my boss and I can do what I want because I don't care. You don’t
have to know any of my business.’’
“Fine,” the pirates replied. “We will keep on bugging you until you stop.”
“That won’t stop me,” Charlie said. “My factory is important and if it pollutes the water then that is too
bad. I have a business to run and I need to make money. Lots of money.”
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