HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 267

Fiction: Group 2
Harrow International School Hong Kong, Fletcher, Gabriella - 10, Fiction: Group 2
woke up and could hear a distant chugging noise. The noise was getting closer and closer to my family.
As I surfaced to get air I had a look around before I dived down to wake my parents. I nudged them
with my nose but they didn’t stir. I saw a tiny thing on the horizon getting bigger and bigger until it
finally stopped a few metres away.
I swam closer until I saw what it was doing. It was dumping rubbish into the sea! The sea suddenly went all
black and tasted horrible. I went as fast as I could back to my pod. They were gone! I was horrified. I had
tried to wake them and they just left me alone to starve. I dived down to check if they are there. I saw the
most horrible thing ever: a pile of the stuff that I saw the thing dump, with my pod buried underneath. It
was mud brown and it was leaking all over my unmoving family.
The first thing that came into my mind was revenge.
I stayed a day to mourn them then set off to find the people who killed my family. It took me thirteen days
to find the people who were dumping rubbish. I snuck around trying to get closer to the machines that
dumped the stuff in our home.
Once I found where it was I saw people get inside the machine. I panic because it was lowered into the sea.
Up close I saw it had brown and orange sides and, at the back, propellers that make it go forward.
I realised that I needed to surface for a breath but when I did everyone saw me and chased me in their
machines out of their base.
As they pursued me I hit something and fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up I saw people towering over
me. I saw an entrance so I made a dash for it but it only led into a big pool. After a day of being taught how
to do tricks, other people came into my big pool but they sat down at the edge behind a glass window.
When the seats were full the person teaching me starts to show everyone what I have learnt. By the end I
was very fed up especially when I was thrown back into the room I started in, without a single bite to eat.
In the night I managed to escape from my small room. But all it led to is the big pool I performed in. I was
horrified at the idea of being cooped up in this area.
I longed to go back into the sea, which I glimpsed just beyond the fence to the pool. I went to the end of
the pool and swam as fast as I could and jumped but I skimmed the edge of the fence. It really the hurt but I
didn’t stop until I couldn’t see the fence. When I finally stopped I looked at my body; it had a big gash
down it.
I panicked because I couldn’t treat it. Once I calmed down I dived down and got seaweed to cover it. It was
very sticky against my skin. I checked it three days later but it had not improved a single bit since the day it
got cut. I lay in the same place for a few days until I decided to go and get food. I couldn’t even catch one
fish, let alone a whole shoal.
I felt the most useless dolphin ever to exist in the whole world. The next day I could barely even get up. I
suddenly realised I was finding it hard to breathe. Even when I swam away I was still choking. I looked back
and saw a black substance crawling along the surface towards me. I was being sucked in to the goo. I
imagined my family having to go through the same process and went unconscious.
People were the first thing I saw when I came to. I began to panic as they came towards me and lifted me
into a truck. A few of them stayed with me to treat my wounds. I start to black out again. As I woke up this
time I saw a whole new scene. I was in another pool but this time bigger and deeper.
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