HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 263

Fiction: Group 2
At that moment, Daddy raised his sword and fought with a soldier who appeared to be a high
ranking officer. After several rounds of fighting, Daddy knocked the sword right out of the officer’s hand.
Weaponless, the Japanese soldier did what a coward would do - raised his hands to surrender. He
General of the Japanese army!
Without their leader to lead them in battle, thousands of Japanese soldiers surrendered.
Chinese came around muffling their enemies and tying chains around their bleeding ankles and
trembling hands. Soon, all the prisoner’s hands and legs were shackled with iron chains; meanwhile, the
whole battlefield was silent and holy like.
The enemy were prisoners, and we have won the war… “What about the Pearl River Delta?”
asked a timid looking George. That gave quite a lot of people some things to think about. How were they
going to clean the Pearl River Delta?
The digging soon began. The workers used all their efforts to remove the dirt out of the river, but
more dirt kept on flowing back into the river. They heaved and pushed, but the Japanese had done some
damage to their only Pearl River Delta. The workers all drooped their heads in dismay. The Pearl River
Delta, once beautiful and clear, was now a very smelly river, full of dirt, oil and grease and all the gruesome
stuff Japan smuggled to China.
“Sorry citizens of China, but the river just can’t be purified again. We’ve tried everything we
could; however, it will be considered the symbol of China’s victory over Japan.’’
Even though everyone was upset, the river did not look very clean anymore. However, they were
pleased that they had won the war and everyone was safe.
In a cottage, George, Fred, Violet, Mummy and Daddy were talking about the river. Daddy was
taking care of Mummy and Violet, Fred and George were playing a board game.
They talked for hours before they went to bed for a well-deserved sleep.
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