HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 272

Fiction: Group 2
He swung it fast. Without skipping a beat I ducked, and the iron blade got stuck in the plain grey
I charged for the door. I twisted the handle but the door was locked. I tried pushing the door but it
was hopeless.
The soldiers chased after me. There was no chance of survival. Or was there?
I looked at my watch to see what time it was. It was 10: 59. When I looked up again, the scene
had changed. Just darkness.
A beam of light got in my eyes and blinded me. I blinked and saw the familiar surroundings of my
grandfather’s living room.
My grandfather sat on the sofa, his eyes facing the horizon.
“You’re back,” he seemed delighted. “Did you do it?”
Did I do what, what was he asking me? What should I say?
With hesitation, I slowly nodded my head.
“Wonderful. Come, let’s sit down,” he said. I sat down and looked out the window. To my
surprise I could see mist forming over the Pearl River Delta. Over the horizon an army of shadows
I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn’t imagining it, but it was still there. It was the terracotta
The professor caught me looking out the window and said, ”It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?” Then he
noticed, what was happening. His smile slowly disappeared. “What have you done?”
I shrugged. “Do you know, what’s happening?”
He grabbed my arm and looked into my eyes. “There’s something I need to tell you. The Pearl
River Delta holds a magic that can only be controlled by people with our blood. I’m too old to do it now
but you can still do it. Go out there and touch the water with your hands.”
I ran outside and splashed my hands in the water.
The water reacted by sending drops of water everywhere in an enormous splash. As a huge wave
smashed down on the shore, the warriors disappeared.
From that day I became the guardian of the Pearl River Delta.
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