HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 261

Fiction: Group 2
The truth
At that very spot, I understood what Aunt Sara’s prophecy meant . It meant that the river would become
polluted and dirty. So it is the Omlyviviaca family’s responsibility and honor to protect this river from
harm’s way. The old lady gave me a pleasing yet mysterious smile noticing my understanding. She said,
think you know what to do now.
She led me back towards the machine and sent us back home.
The Promise
I grew older and so did Alana, we worked hard to protect our family heirloom—The Pearl River Delta. We
also passed the story of our adventure on and on to our next generation and people in our village. After
every story, I always repeat what the old lady told us in my own words of wisdom, ‘ Our protectiveness
towards the river is not a mission, it is a choice.’
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