HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 258

Fiction: Group 2
Luólán and The Pearl of Sacrifice
Good Hope Primary School cum Kindergarten, Tsui, Iris - 11, Fiction: Group 2
uólán looked at her ill mother, before softly closing the door. She wanted to be there for her, but she
was determined to find a way to save her mother from death. She had heard from villagers the only
way to cure people from drinking polluted water was to visit Mazu’s Temple. The goddesses would
heal the sick there. Considering that she lived in Nanhai, just north of the Pearl River Delta, it would take
approximately one hundred days.
For thirty days Luólán marched on, her body was on the verge of a breaking point, suffering from
dehydration and exhaustion. Yet, she would not cave in. On the thirty-first day, she admitted defeat.She
then slept for a day, not waking up until she felt a wet nose being pushed in her face.
There in front of her, stood a donkey. He looked at her innocently, before turning away. “I’ll just
have to make do with you then.”She lifted herself onto his back. He raised his head instantly.
“HiiiiiYa!!!!!!!”Luólán yelled, giving him an almighty jab in the ribs. He took off at a gallop.
Due to the amount of speed the unnamed donkey possessed, they arrived at the temple. As she slid
off his back she noticed an elderly woman with eerie blueish-green horns. She approached her cautiously.
“What are you looking for, child??”She spoke gently, and Luólán felt immediately comforted. “My mother
is on her deathbed, and I heard that goddesses can cure the dying, so I have come in search of an
antidote.”The old woman pulled a long silver flute out of thin air. “Take this flute,”she said. “When you
play it by the Pearl River Delta, a pink dolphin will appear. He can save you from dying even when you are
about to take your last breath. Be careful and cautious,”she spoke before singing.
When you’re desperate
With no cure
He will ensure
That you get what you’re looking for
But that
Comes at a cost
Be aware that you’ll have lost
Something much bigger
Luólángraciously accepted the flute and jumped on the donkey’s back. She galloped to the Pearl
River, still reeling in fear from the song.
The exhausted pair finally made it to the Pearl River Delta, and Luólán placed the flute by her lips.
An eerie lilting tune came out. A pink form appeared. “I have come for an antidote for my dying
mother.”The dolphin nodded. “I will help you, but you must retrieve The Pearl of Sacrifice, guardian of
the river, from the dragon who stole it from my protection. You would also need this to help you.”A bright
glow of light emanated from the waters.A sword appeared, floating up in front of her.Luólán took the
sword, then in an instant, a magical glow surrounded them. The sword teleported them!
They arrived at a dark cave. Its wet grey rocks glistened in the sunlight, but no light entered the
cave. Luólán took the gleaming sword and entered, only to find a ferocious beast staring down at her.
Luólán raced around the dragon and saw the pearl gleaming. She glanced at the dragon,
then ran forwards
and seized the pearl. The massive red monster shrieked in rage and lunged at her. Water entered the cave
and went up to her ankles. As it became darker, Luólán cowered in a small alcove,she could only hope that
he didn’t spot her. As the dragon turned away, Luólán saw her chance.
She lunged forward, sword held high. The sword sank into its flesh, and the dragon let out a
bloodcurdling scream. Then, it turned to her and healed itself. The dragon laughed “You’ll have to get a
better weapon to get rid of me!”As soon as it finished, it lunged. Luólán managed to stick the tip of the
sword into the dragon’s shoulder, but as she did so, noticed a fang of the dragon’s sinking into her arm. She
wrenched out the fang. The searing pain was ignored as she stared at the dragon.
“Please allow me to say a few words before you kill me…Ever since you took the pearl away,
things have changed in this river. People have become selfish. Each day they throw their waste into the
river. It’s killing the dolphins. They cannot live in the polluted water and soon all of them will be wiped
out. If that pearl is in their protection, as it was before, the people who once loved the river will love it
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