HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 281

Fiction: Group 2
Maverick, who was not at all scared, took out his rifle and prepare to shoot the dragon. Just then, a cry rang
out: “stop!” It was the explorers! They had been told by the decedent and found the entrance, just in time!
They pulled out their guns and engaged the bandits, and a terrible fight began, guns fired, men shouted, and
the dragon screeched and bit… It was terrifying, but when it was over, the explorers were on their feet, but
the villains were bound and gagged. The dragon, seeing that the pearl was in good hands, took off to the
Chapter 7 Happily ever after
Henry dragged the villains to the pearl, and they saw their true selves. We do not know what they saw, but
it made them rethink their lives. Maverick became a doctor, and the rest of the villains became famers. As
for the pearl, the explorers decided that it must be returned to the Pearl River delta—legend told that the
pearl of truth rose from the waters of the Pearl River delta itself, and when the pearl was in the delta, the
river there is teeming with fish, the water is clean, and the land is prosperous. But when the pearl is taken
from it, the water becomes polluted, the fish go extinct, and land grows poor. The pearl is still there to this
day. It tells everyone who sees it their true selves. I do not know what they saw, but it made them protect
nature as long as there was blood in their veins.
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