HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 288

Fiction: Group 2
Victoria Harbour for fifteen years. “No wonder there had been extreme disturbance in marine life and
chemical poisoned dead fish these few years”, Cassandra exclaimed.
After spending the whole day underground, Cassandra was relieved to see the sunlight. She was
absolutely tired and slept on the hammock, sprawled all over it and almost tumbled off it.
Two weeks after the visit to the underground factory, Victoria Harbour was close to no pollution.
She was spending her allowance in Hong Kong dollars and buying herself snacks such as pineapple bun and
egg tarts. She found out a good thing about Hong Kong is that the traffic wasn’t always so jammed as it was
in New York. Today, she is wearing her favourite pair of skinny jeans, sneakers, pomegranate red shirt, and
her curls was blown by the warm wind. She was dating Benjamin, and they were enjoying it around the
Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower, but they also visited the Victoria Harbour. That day, at least, was free from the
polluted smell.
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