HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 282

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
HKBUAS Primary School, Lo, Carissa - 11, Fiction: Group 2
hen I was young, innocent and oblivious, I liked to go on adventures as I was curious of how
heroes saved the world. One day, I was playing my piano, harmonizing myself with the
melodious tune and shaking myself back and forth when I heard a squeaky sound beside my ear.
“Hey! Carissa! Play some strange notes and follow me!” I thought, did someone speak to me?
Suddenly a green figure with terribly long arms and sharp ears appeared in front of me. I gasped and
shrieked, “Aghhh! I’ve gone nuts!, I couldn’t’ believe I was looking at this horrible creature!” The figure
looked at me and said, “Greetings, I am an elf. We know you are quite generous so we decided to choose
you for our quest.” He quickly told me about the quest, which a wicked businesswoman in Pearl River
Delta was destroying the environment and spirits. I was flabbergasted, “Witches? Fairies? Elves?” I
exclaimed. He then played some unusual notes on the piano, which suddenly made the lid open. A swirl of
wind circled around my piano and everything, including myself, got sucked into what seemed like a vacuum
cleaner. “Aghh! Help! I am too young to die!” SPLAT! I landed ‘butt’ first on the ground. Oww, I carefully
stood up, wondering where I was. It looked quite familiar… OH! It’s the Pearl River Delta! Wow! It’s such
a fascinating place, leaves sprouted and flowers bloomed in all directions. Everything was beautiful.
Suddenly there was a BOOM and thunderbolts fell from the sky, destroying the scenery before me.
I was speechless, how could a beautiful place suddenly go up in flames? I looked around to see everything
burning. Elfie sighed, “This always happens, we want you to stop the villain who destroyed this place. Go
and change into your armor.” I stepped out of the cave from where I changed and felt a strong surge of
energy from head to toe. I took another step… “Bonk!” I tripped over my armour. Onlookers turned their
heads and quietly giggled. I quickly stood up, flustered and brushed the dirt off my new attire. Elfie signaled
me to follow him into an enormous palace entirely made of gold; I was baffled by the scenery before me.
He said, “Dear girl, I want you to save the Pearl River Delta, for it had been under the care of our family
for generations. Zhen Xing created this amazing place. She is my great great great … grandmother. Now it’s
almost fully destroyed. I would appreciate it if you could stop this destruction.” I frowned, “His majesty,
there a lot of more worthy people in this world, compared to them, I am nothing. Why me?”His majesty
sighed, “Let’s not say anymore. Go read the prophecy on the table. It will definitely aid you.” I gingerly
approached the scroll and read it:
“One girl will save the Pearl River Delta,
Whilst she fights them all with her only weapon.
Curses might destroy her, crumple her,
And it will bring joy to the world.”
As I put down the scroll, I pondered over these words. I bowed to the gold king as he wished me luck and
ran to the woods, wondering where I would go. It was soon raining cats and dogs so I found a shelter and
took refuge in it. Finally, the rain stopped and a blinding light once again streaked across the sky. As I
peeked out I saw a business woman dressed in an expensive suit so I immediately identified her as the witch
the prophecy spoke of. However, contrary to the evil she was described as, she looked nice and pleasant; did
I really have to end her?
I headed towards her and she turned to looked at me, proceeding to smile sweetly whilst saying “Hello little
girl. What can I do for you?” I asked sternly, “Who are you and what are you doing here in the Pearl River
Delta?” She looked around then sighed and said that she wanted to protect it. I replied,” Are you sure you
are not an evil witch in disguise of a business woman?” That was probably the most stupidly straightforward
question I had ever asked. With no prior warning, she roared, her fangs grew, and dark matter spewed from
her back. I stared at the metamorphosis that took place before me, speechless. I panicked and immediately
grabbed my sword and stabbed her through the chest. She let out a deafening roar, causing me to cover my
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