HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 425

Fiction: Group 2
As Daniel and the princess went to his village, Daniel began to realize that he needed a wish after all. Due to
all the drama he’d forgotten all about his village! Everybody's stomach scream with hunger, including his
family. Daniel had forgotten about his father! Daniel had denied the chance to save him and his village!
What did the king give him in the end? A wife! Daniel didn't blame the king, but himself, feeling very
embarrassed, he pleaded to the king and queen to save his village and to grant him another wish.
“My village is very poor.
My dad needs help very fast- he is very ill.” The princess looked in disapproval at
Daniel’s village, it was a sorry sight. All those wooden huts and withering crops inside some worn down
farm. A place a princess just cannot accept.
‘That shall be soon fixed,’ she decided. The princess held up her
prized possession, the great white pearl, "I shall attempt to sell this pearl and use the money to make, this...",
he pointed at Daniel's sad old village, then pointed to her magnificent palace, 40 kilometres away, "...Into
that!" she announced.
The princess searched worldwide, asking all she encountered if they wanted to buy her pearl.
She searched
every island, every horizon, to find someone who could afford her precious gem.
It was not long until a
wealthy billionaire bought it for a healthy sum. She used all the money to turn the old moulded huts beside
the Pearl River Delta, into breath-taking mansions.
She replaced the farmer’s tiny, uncomfortable fishing
boats into huge vessels with gleaming white hulls.
She brought cars for every family in the village and added
roads and perished all the garbage in the river. Needless to say, the princess called a professional doctor to
come and heal Daniels father. What the princess had done, was turn a forgotten and abandoned village, into
a fairy tale. Daniel thanked his wife for giving away such a beautiful gem in order to turn his village to a
place he had never known and experienced before. Though the young sailor was still annoyed that he had
asked for so much when he felt he deserved something less, Daniel couldn't help but smile. He turned to
face the princess. "Thank you" Daniel said, heartfelt.
“No problem,” she replied, “If you hadn’t saved me, I would’ve been in the blue sea by now!”
From that day forth, the people from River Delta renamed their village to “The Pearl River Delta”. The
legend of the princess and her pearl will be retold for generations.
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