HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 424

Fiction: Group 2
The True Tale of the Pearl River Delta
Shatin Junior School, Lau, Winter - 10, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, there was a sailor called Daniel, who lived beside a river called River Delta. The
people who lived beside River Delta were poor and hungry. Everyone relied on fish and crops.
When winter came, they struggled to harvest and grow their crops and fishing became a disaster.
Now there was another country-not close, yet not far away. That country was very rich and the king was a
very wealthy and kind leader.
One day, the princess, the king’s eldest daughter decided she would go on a little holiday on the sea.
sailed toward River Delta. Now the princess owned a giant pearl that was given to her by the king on her
birthday, and she has been taking it everywhere ever since. It was as round as a marble and shinier than
ice. Millionaires would give their lifetime earnings for it.
Suddenly, as the princess and the ship was sailing, there was a sudden storm, the ship rocked back and forth.
Titanic waves lashed at its deck, and the uncontrollable vessel slammed into a jagged rock. SPLAM! A
massive hole appeared in the deck, and water caved in fast and steady. The ship was sinking!
The king ordered the sailors to activate their lifeboats and get the queen and everyone else on board. He
reached out to grab the princess’s hand, but before he could reach her, the royal maiden was hauled into the
deep blue sea.
“NO!!!” Cried the king, his face turned pale, “NO!!!”
Meanwhile, Daniel's father sent Daniel out to fish while he took some rest. His father was very sick from
long hours harvesting crops and catching and fish. Lucky for him, Daniel had more experience than a shark
in manoeuvring in storms. He set to work, nimbly steering his raft from the lashing waves, he was heading
back home when his eyes caught the sight of a huge vessel sinking fast.
“It must be the king’s ship!” Daniel noted as he identified a flag with a crown emblem, “Let me take a look
if they need help getting out”, he said. As he got nearer, though, Daniel could see that the royal family
definitely need help, and fast. Thinking fast, Daniel dove after her.
“What, the princess?” Daniel gasped. As he reached out to save her, he saw a huge pearl rounder than a
marble and shinier than an ice sculpture.
“Is this hers?” Daniel thought, as he dragged the royal girl onto some rocks.
“Are you all right?” the princess spluttered and opened her eyes.
She squeaked, “I’m okay” she said,
“Where’s my father?”
“Is he in that boat?” Daniel asked.
She nodded.
“Wait here.” He swam to the boats and told the king that his daughter was alright.
“Bring her to me!” demanded the king. The king asked Daniel how he could repay him with anything he
wanted. “I don’t want anything,” Daniel said. “I just want to give you back this.” He gave the pearl to the
princess. The king said, “Since you are so generous and honest, I propose you can marry my daughter.” He
looked at the princess and said. “Is that ok to you my dear?” the princess nodded. “I like this boy,” she said,
the king clapped his hands, “Now let’s get you back home safe and sound!” he said.
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