HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 426

Fiction: Group 2
The Bee Hater
Shatin Junior School, Lee, Charmaine - 10, Fiction: Group 2
here lived a 10-year-old girl, her name was Mandy Lee who lived in Shen Zhen, a place located
in the Pearl River Delta region in the Guangdong Province. When bees fly around her, she would
scream aloud indeed. She was a bee hater and always wondered, why do the annoying bees sting
Ironically, Mandy's parents are really interested in bees. Her parents find bees an interesting insect and they
read a lot of books about bees and take photos of different species of bees.
They always tell Mandy facts
about bees like flower pollen transmitting which is a great contribution to the nature, but disappointedly
Mandy never listens.
Mandy thinks bees are never good as they always buzz around making annoying sound
and they would sting people.
Now Mandy’s schoolmates hated Mandy, they could hardly understand what so bad about bees?
On a bright and warm sunny morning, Mandy went to school in her red and blue stripy uniform like
normal. She had a 5-minute run in the school main playground before class started. She ran and ran until
she saw a bee, she was getting a bit annoyed because of the buzzing sound, and she then ran even faster
trying to get rid of the annoyance. The bee continued to follow around the moving Mandy; Mandy ran and
ran until she felt a bit dizzy and had a break. Suddenly, she saw a dead bee on the ground beside where she
was standing.
At the same time, she started seeing things twirling around, and she started losing her balance.
She then felt a big lump on her cheeks, and she knew that the bee actually had stung her! “Oh, no!”, she
She screamed and everyone in the playground stared, she fainted and everyone gasped.
ambulance was called and it came very soon.
While Mandy was unconscious laying on the bed in hospital, she dreamed that she became a bee herself, so
did all her family members.
They all went busy hunting for food in different places all over the Pearl River
Delta, flying around trees, plants and flowers all day long.
Continued in her dream, Mandy the Bee flew to a Pearl River Delta campsite in Guangzhou, there were a
lot of children running around the campsite and Mandy the Bee felt a bit frightened when she noticed that
the children were running around her and gradually, she began thinking that the children were trying to
attack her. Mandy the Bee then flew close to a little boy who was amongst the children, and buzzed around
him trying to hide under the shade of him, the boy hollered and ran even faster.
After a while, Mandy the Bee felt extremely frightened as she thought the children was going to kill her at
any moment, and because she was so small that she could not do anything to stop them from chasing her
around. Mandy the Bee neither was not able to explain her situation and feeling to these children as she
could not speak in human language. She wished she would be able to tell the children that she was just
flying around looking for her food and doing her job helping the nature on growth of flowers by
transmitting flower pollen but she never got the chance.
She flew and flew, and was trying to fly away from
the gang of children. The children kept on repelling and slapping Mandy the Bee because they found her
really annoying, Mandy the Bee was finally running out of breath and energy, she started flying lower and
lower, slower and slower, but still trying her best effort to escape away from the children. At last, she could
not sustain any more and was gradually falling down to the ground and that was the moment when another
boy got ready to
slap Mandy the Bee on his third trial.
The instinct reaction made Mandy the Bee to use
her last leftover energy moving her body and stung the boy on his hand in order to protect herself from
being slapped. Of course, shortly after the sting, Mandy the Bee died due to the loss of her stinging straw.
Mandy finally woke up, still with a big lump on her cheeks. Thanked for her doctor’s explanation and her
dream, Mandy now surely and finally realized why bees sting people.
Her parents cheered and took Mandy
home after another 2 days’ rest in hospital.
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