HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 487

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School, Kan, Chun Lok - 11, Fiction: Group 2
n 2020, a boy called Peter was born in Taipei. He wanted to be a tour guide when he grew up. Ten
years later, he was moved to Hong Kong because there were no cinemas, no theme parks or even a
little garden. But in Hong Kong, there was fresh air and good people.
In Happy Primary School, Peter met many friends. Mary, Perry, John and Joe had the same interest as
Treasure Hunt. So they always play together after school.
One day, while Peter was playing with his friends at the playground, a strange old woman came towards
them. ‘Little boys and girls, do you want to be rich? I have a treasure map but I am now too old and weak
that I cannot go. There are two treasure boxes that one in Shenzhen and the other in Macau. But only one
of them has a treasure inside. Do you want to go and try your luck?’ said the old woman. Peter and his
friends decided to have a treasure hunt and got the treasure map from the old woman!
‘Let’s go to Shenzhen,’ suggested Joe. ‘I guess the treasure should be in there.’ All of them agreed and
started theirs journey without informed theirs parents because they knew that their parents would not let
them go.
While the children were waiting for the train, they met their classmates, Melody and Nicholas. When they
heard that they were going for a treasure hunt, they would like to join them as it would be an excited
journey. There were 7 children now!
Half and an hour later, they arrived Shenzhen. ‘I think it’s time for lunch. Let’s go and try some local food
here!’ said Nicholas. Since they didn’t have much money, they just had some dumpling for lunch. After
finished their lunch, they followed the direction of the treasure map.
‘First you need to climb up the hill. Then go through a cave and swim across a river. After that, climb over
a cliff. And……’’Oh, the way is too long and dangerous. Is there any faster and safer method to go there?’
asked Perry, who was studying the map.
‘Treasure box must be kept in a secret place, that is forest, cave, waterfall, somewhere like these, which I
always read this in the story book,’ said Mary. ‘That’s why the way looks so hard and dangerous!’ said Joe.
After they climbed over the hill and went through the cave, there is a river they needed to swim across.
However, John was not good at swimming that he was scared. So they tied some woods and grasses
together to make a boat. And they rode the boat and crossed the river safely.
After overcoming all the difficulties, they were on the way to get the treasure. Nicholas saw a boy who was
hitting three puppies. He stopped the boy and told him not to hurt the puppies. However, the boy didn’t
listen to him and ran away immediately. He thought that the people there were awful and horrible.
Finally, they reached a cave and found the treasure. ‘Here it is! We find it!’ said Melody. The children
were very excited. Suddenly, a warrior appeared and came towards them. The children hadn’t seen it
before. They were scared. The warrior said to them, ‘I have been there to protect the treasure for hundreds
years. If you want to get the treasure box, get the weapons and fight with me! If you win, you can get the
treasure. If you lose, I will send you to the Horrible World! Good luck, you guys!’
The children were frightened but they had to fight. They got the swords from the warrior and the “war”
started. Although there were seven persons fought to the warrior, the warrior defeated them easily.
‘Unfortunately, you lose! I have to send you all to the Horrible World!’ said the warrior. Then he used the
sword to hit the ground and the Pearl River Delta exploded! People who lived around the Pearl River
Delta disappeared. The children cried and hoped the warrior ‘STOP’.
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