HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 493

Fiction: Group 2
The International School of Macao, Cheung, Ethan - 11, Fiction: Group 2
March 2060, Hong Kong
t was a normal day. The sun was shining in a cloudless sky. Suddenly, the ground started to shake, and a
colossal crater opened in the blue canopy. An insect-like monster appeared, shooting strange cocoon-
shaped spores at the ground. Out of the spores emerged groups of insectoid creatures known as Kraka.
It was happening all over the world. Mankind struggled to survive as millions lost their lives in the battle
against the invaders. Gradually, the attacks became more frequent, going from once a month to as often as
once a week.
November 28, 2156, Hong Kong, Present Day
Another mortar strike thundered as it was fired at the Kraka. The trenches were packed.
It was already the fifth attack of the week. The sky crater was constantly open. “Sir! We have another
breach – the outer south barrier!” “Again?!” Commander Blake Hallman hated it. It was getting worse by
the day. He rushed through the trench, bolting between sandbags and watchtowers rising towards the
darkened sky.
It was chaos. Swarms of Kraka were closing in, mowing down anything in their path. “AIR
STRIKE! OUTER SOUTH BARRIER!” A bomb exploded, shattering their formation. They could not
continue to launch airstrikes at the Kraka armies forever. They would eventually run out of resources or kill
themselves from all the radiation. “An intact specimen!” shouted Henry Chen, the aging scientist standing
nearby. “Help me get it to the laboratory!” The marines lugged it back to the lab, where research was
“I’ve got it!” “What?” Blake Hallman was always confused about what they were up to. “We have
discovered the substance most lethal to the Kraka! White dolphin blood! But the only problem is that white
dolphins are extinct. They could only be found in the Pearl River Delta.” “What’s the solution?” “We have
an experimental time machine that is in beta testing, but it is the best we can do. So you, Commander, will
lead a squad of elite soldiers to the past, extract some dolphin blood, bring it back, and seal the sky-crater by
going in and destroying their ship by dripping the blood on the mother ship core. The team will consist of
Ian McDonalds, Danny Carters, and Eric Rogers. Here is the time travel device. When time traveling,
others must make physical contact with you to time travel, too.” He handed Commander Hallman a slim
matte black round device, no bigger than a CD. CRACK! Suddenly, the roof of the lab tore open. A
gigantic scorpion-like Kraka appeared, roaring a deafening cry. “Go! Get the team and go! Mankind
depends on you! Don’t worry about me, I would just slow you down!” Henry punched in a code on the
wall, then disappeared into the shadows of the safe room. As Hallman rushed out, the research lab exploded
behind him. He heard the Kraka roar again, but was soon after drowned by the sound of gunfire.
“So what are we doing here again?” Ian asked. “McDonalds, we are here to travel back in time to
retrieve white dolphin blood and then drip it into the mother ship core of the Kraka army. That will seal the
crater and Earth will be saved.” As he finished his sentence, a swarm of Kraka emerged from the sky. “Hold
hands so we can time travel!” The buttons seemed to be quite straightforward. There was an adjust year,
adjust day, adjust hour, adjust minute, and an enter destination key. “Wow, this thing sure is precise,” he
thought to himself. “Here we go!” He adjusted the year. A bright white light blinded them, as they began to
tumble at tremendous speed through a vortex, their heads spinning.
November 28, 1980, Hong Kong
Suddenly, the spinning stopped. Danny and Eric puked. “If we are still alive the prototype must
have worked!” Blake was just glad that they were not dead. Suddenly, they heard a roar coming from
behind them. “Darn! They must have followed!” The squad ran, with the Kraka chasing after them. “We
must get to the docks!” But it was too late. The Kraka had already caught up with them and were closing in.
“DIE!!” The elite team drew their weapons. “Quick! GO! Danny, run to the water and get the job done!
Run! We will hold them off!” Danny hesitated. “Go Carters!” yelled the commander. “This is a direct
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