HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 482

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School, Chan, Man Ho - 9, Fiction: Group 2
ong Kong and the other cities of the Pearl River Delta were in a state of panic. There was a
gigantic wave heading towards the surface.
People were screaming and running everywhere.
loud of the Pearl River Delta region roar came out of the water.
It was the creature from the '
Legend '.
Well, now people cannot say that they don't believe in the creature now, because they saw it in
front of their eyes.
Everyone except a boy named Tom ran, He was holding a sword.
The creature finally
stepped out of the water.
After the creature showed his disgusting, head Tom know what it was: the dragon
from under the sea! Suddenly the creature spun around, then leapt back into the water and headed towards
where the bridge was Tom swam very fast, but the creature was even faster, luckily, Tom was a smart boy.
He sat on the creature's back.
He could almost taste the creatures foul smell, he gaged,
it was really stinky.
After a few minute they reached the bridge was, it was very long.
The air there was far from fresh,
probably polluted.
The weather wasn't it very good, it always rained there.
" Wow! ", exclaimed Tom.
was magnificent sight.
But just then, an ear piercing noise came from the bridge.
One of the pillars
collapsed into the sorrowing water! Tom jumped from the creature and plugged into the water near the
He watched as the pillars from the bridge collapsed one by one.
He gulped.
Then he realized that
he was in Macau! 'It just took about five minutes! 'He said to himself.
The bridge was falling, and Tom could only watch as the cars fell from the bridge.
He thought of all
the people who would die, and felt a deep sadness.
Tom made a fist to act courageous.
He swam towards Macau.
He could see a small cabin near the
Tom found a bed inside and he fell into a deep, deep sleep.
'Ahhhh! 'A voice shouted, which wake Tom up. 'What's the matter? 'Tom asked ' the...the...the wave!
'The guy who woke him said in a fright.
He said with a nod.
'It is sure frightening! '
The man introduced himself, " My name is David. " Then Tom introduced himself.
"So, what are you
doing here?" David asked.
Tom said, ' I was supposed to save the bridge, but..."But what? "David asked
Tom replied, ' But I don't know what caused this disaster! '
David didn't answer him, but when Tom looked at him again, he looked scared.
He finally said, '
I...I...I don't know, but whatever it is it must be something terrible Tom agreed with a nod.
The bridge
was half destroyed.
Then they realized what had caused the bridge's pillars to fall.
' The tsunami! ' They
' Oh no! It'll flush the bridge out! ' said Tom.
They screamed with horror.
" What are we going
to do? ", cried Tom.
' There is nothing we can do but watch the bridge collapse." Tom nodded and said, ' I
wish the tsunami would stop now! '
At first, nothing happened.
then, they saw the bridge's pillars had stopped falling.
" Whoo hoo! ",
they cheered.
But the happiness only lasted for a few seconds, there was a loud roar from the ocean.
creature four times bigger than a blue whale busted out of the water.
' Uh oh! ' thought Tom.
' This is the
end of us! Cried David.
Fortunately, Tom survived in the creature's stomach, unfortunately, David was
drowned by its digestive fluids.
Then how could Tom get out? He stabbed the creature's guts and made a
hole in its stomach, he crawled out of the creature's stomach and escaped.
Tom suddenly thought something wasn't right.
He crawled out of the creatures stomach and the
creature didn't chase him.
That's weird! He thought to himself.
He went to the city nearly.
He asked someone, who mumbled and said, " I have no idea what your
babbling." The man also looked confused.
He could barely say the word ' what ', Tom saw a sign.
It said :
Welcome to Shenzhen.
Then finally, he saw another man, but Tom for some reason thought he looked
Before he could remember who it was the man called his name " Tom! Tom! " Tom looked
puzzled, but he managed to say " David? " Then he looked confused.
Then glad.
He had a thousand,
question to ask, but he didn't know where to begin.
He did ask, " Can we eat? I'm starving! "
They were eating fried chicken when they had an idea.
"Yum! Nice chicken! Mmmm! Tasty cola.",
said David while stuffing food into his mouth.
" I think we should have a group.", said Tom.
" For what?
"Asked David.
" Saving the that bridge?".
He chuckled.
" Yes. ", Tom said.
" Oh like that WWF
Sure, great idea! " David grinned, it was like the first time somebody had liked his idea.
He was not
a smart type, but a hard-working, helpful type.
Anyway, their idea was a success.
The bridge is rebuilt and
those creatures cure, well, sort of trapped in a trap, use your imagination! And of course the
Pearl River
Delta was saved by Tom and David.
The government rewarded their bravery generously.
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