HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 497

Fiction: Group 2
The Rock
The International School of Macao, Le, Ayla - 11, Fiction: Group 2
iu walked along the banks of the Pearl River watching the water collide into the sand. The sunrise caused
swirls of mandarin orange, indigo, cotton candy pink and yellow to shine in the sky. The entrancing
colors could not distract Jiu though. She was staring intently at the sand as the morning tide lapped at her
feet. She was looking for shells and stones, for her job was to sell the fancy ones while keeping her favorites.
The best stones were always in the river. The clouds drifted across the sun, but a sliver of light shone
through, making the sand shimmer. There was something there! Digging furiously, Jiu pulled up an
exquisite rock. It was red-brown with a silky texture and a golden luster. Full of excitement, she ran to her
hut by the river.
“Hi,” her brother Xiang called.
“Where is Grandma?” Jiu asked.
“In the kitchen. She is baking sweet custard buns. She and Xiang walked into the small kitchen where the
air was filled with the scent of vanilla custard. “Look what I found, Grandma!” Jiu called out.
Her grandmother turned and gasped at the sight of the unique rock.
“Could it be?” she muttered. She took
the stone from Jiu’s outstretched hand and examined it. “It is!”
“Is what?” Jiu asked.
“We better sit.” The siblings and grandmother went to the mat in the living room.
“My tale begins long ago when I was young. Ah, these bones still remember the day when they could steer
a ship!” Grandmother chuckled. “One foggy night, I awoke to a strange noise. I was on a sailing expedition
to the point where the Pearl River flows into the South China Sea. I ventured up on the deck. The crisp sea
air chilled my lungs with each breath. The ship rocked slightly back and forth. The moon was barely visible
through the thick mist. I could only see the shadows that danced in the eerie night. The black waters
churned below. An ominous creaking came from the hold of the ship. I wondered what was lying in the
threatening water. As if in answer to my thoughts, I heard a mysterious melody. I tried to see where it was
coming from. No one was onboard with me,
but the sound was still ringing through the air. It was a spooky
song I couldn't understand and the shivers running down my spine weren’t from the cold.
I glanced over
my shoulder, suddenly nervous that there was someone behind me. I suddenly felt compelled to look into
the empty waters. I tried to calm myself, but my instincts were telling me not to go near the ship's rail.
Was someone down there? My heart was thumping against my chest, as I cautiously peeped over the edge. I
grabbed for the rail with fear, but I slipped and toppled over the edge, clutching the rail tightly and
screaming loudly. My legs were hanging into empty space. I glanced down and saw a gruesome face peering
at me from beneath the waves. It was a rotted corpse with grotesque features. It smiled a wicked smile at
me. Then it lashed out and grabbed my ankle with its slimy hand. It yanked hard and my fingers fumbled. I
kicked and screamed, but it only held on tighter. My fingers were bleeding from being scraped mercilessly.
The blood seemed to make it more determined. With a tremendous pull, my fingers left the wood, and I
toppled down into the water's unloving embrace. The water demon pulled me under and I glanced
helplessly at the surface watching the bottom of the boat sail farther and farther away. I took one last helpless
glance at the surface, my lungs burning as if a flame was consuming me, and then, the fire went out and I
closed my eyes. My final breath escaped; death and water enclosed me.”
Grandma paused for emphasis, her grandchildren’s eyes wide. “When I regained consciousness, I
was inside an underwater cave. Tiny pools of water told me that high tide was coming. I stumbled forward.
Soon the water level began to rise alarmingly and, in no time, it was almost to the roof of the cave. I held
my breath and dove into the salty waters. I swam ferociously. I finally made it to the surface. Then she
“Who was she?” Xiang inquired. “Her name was Matsu which means Empress of the Sea. She
wore a red billowing gown and hovered over the water. Two demons were with her. One was red with
two horns and the other was green with one horn. ‘Where am I?’ I spluttered. ‘What has happened?’ ‘You
were attacked by a shui gui, the spirit of a drowned person. They lurk around the place they die and drown
whoever they can get their hands on. They possess their victim. Then that person takes the shui gui’s place,”
said the Empress. “You are lucky to be alive. That stone you’re holding is a powerful talisman. It warded off
the demon and kept you alive.” There was more, but Grandma didn’t repeat her last words for fear they
may come true.
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