HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 490

Fiction: Group 2
trembled and answered "I really do not recall how I get here. All I want to do now is to stop the deadly war
between our people and the land-dwellers!" Hecate nodded and said" Faithful satyr, I am impressed by your
destined thought to strive for peace and harmony. Therefore, I shall grant you my blessing as a gift. It was
not an ordinary blessing but full of power when you need it" Then, Hecate handed Omega a golden circlet
made of imperial gold. “I will also give you a bottle of Magic Mist which you can use it to disguise yourself
to other beings. When land-dwellers looked at you in the Magic Mist, they will see you as their own
people and not in your original form.
"It is my honour to visit your palace and thank you for all the gifts you give me." said Omega. Omega
ventured through the forest, he swam and swam and finally came up to the surface world that he only
visited it a hundred years ago.
With the Mist on Omega, he looked exactly like a human beings. He saw that the surface world had
changed a lot. Land-dwellers rushed around the streets, going to the strangely tall buildings. He also
discovered that the land-dwellers were trying to build a bridge over the Pearl River. Finally a thought came
to his mind. "I should go to find the administrators who are in charge of this place. I will warn them about
the coming war!"
As he rushed in the place where the administrators are working, the guards strangely did not block his way
due to the power of the blessing. The administrators were all surprised at his sudden presence in their
meeting room." I must warn you that you are making too much pollution. Our people lived in the deep
down cave in the Pearl River. The pollution has seriously affected our health. You must stop or my king
leading a great army is going attack your land! One of the administrators asked" Who are you? How do you
know of this war?" the administrators asked. "I am Omega Underwood. I know it because I am one of
them, a river mutant, myself" To prove it, Omega took off the Mist and his true form appeared to the
administrators. The administrators were both awed and shocked at the surprising appearance of the true
Omega. As the administrators discussed what they should do next, Omega said " I have the blessing of
Hecate to bring peace between you land-dwellers and us the river mutants. To prove his point, he showed
them the golden circlet made of imperial gold." The administrators took some time to take in the whole
situation. They discussed and eventually said to Omega “We admit that we truly have made too much
pollutions to the Pearl River, we shall order work to stop on the bridge right away. Besides, we will stop
polluting the river." Omega thanked the administrators for their commitment and willingness to stop. As
Omega bade farewell to the administrators he saw the army coming toward him.
Oh no! Omega was too late! He rushed to the seashores to confront the forces to stand down. He came to
the river king Michael. As Michael saw Omega, Michael's thunderous voice roared at Omega "Omega, you
have betrayed your own race! Do you feel no shame! Your penalty is death by the sword." with full
confidence, Omega replied " No, I am not a traitor. In fact, I mean to complete my mission for peace. I
have to tell you that the land-dwellers are remorseful and have repented. Why do you still try to
exterminate them?" Michael's pale face turned red with anger." How dare you question me? "I have given
the land-dwellers the blessing of Hecate! The administrator had processed to stop the pollutions. Watch!
They are taking a small yacht to come to meet you, our majesty, for peace arrangement” The administrators
came, Michael’s anger burned with rage. As they held out the blessing of Hecate to show they came for
peace. The powerful magic blessing again made miracle. Michael changed his mind and negotiated with the
land-dwellers administrators for new peace treaties. In the end the land-dwellers started recycling and the
land started to restore to be clean and green again. No more plastic bag kills the river mutants anymore.
Nowadays, Omega is remembered for his strive for peace and harmony to all the land-dwellers and river
mutants. Don't believe me? Check out the museum of Pearl River.
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