HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 275

The Revenge of Hi Yen
Korean International School, Jasmine Lam, Fiction: Group 3
thousand years ago there were five districts in the Gobi Desert. They were fighting
against each other for limited resources. However, this didn’t bother Hi Yen and her
friends. They came from different districts but they became best friends because they
helped Hi Yen a lot. Hi Yen used to be very cool, and refused to talk to people. One
day, when she walked home alone, she saw some youngsters dancing and singing together. She
was attracted to this, so she walked closer and closer, until they noticed her. That was how their
friendship began.
Good days passed by. Bad days were approaching. One windy day, when Hi Yen was walking
home, she saw her parents being killed. She recognized the symbol on the knife that was stabbing
her father’s heart, that knife belonged to the Alashan Plateau district. She knew why they killed
her parents. Her father was the most important General of their district. If he died, the district
would somehow lose its power. She felt extremely angry, so she decided to take revenge and kill
their king.
She knew it would be very dangerous, so she sought help from her king. The king introduced
her to a martial art master, so she could learn Kung Fu. After three years of training, she was
finally allowed to do what she desired. However, her friends were trying to find her during these
years as she shut herself away from society. They discovered her plan, but they didn’t support her.
They needed to stop her. It is because they didn’t want her to get hurt and they didn’t think she
could succeed. Therefore, Hi Yen and her friends had a big fight. Hi Yen said that if they didn’t
support her, they should not call her a friend anymore. They couldn’t change her mind, so Hi Yen
left and started her plan.
She decided to apply to be a guard of the Alashan King. She did very well in the test so she
became one of the king’s bodyguards. One night, when the king was strolling to his bedroom after
dinner, Hi Yen took out her knife and stabbed the king’s heart. Suddenly another guard screamed
as loud as a siren because he saw what she did. Hi Yen tried to escape but failed. She as caught by
several guards. At last she committed suicide and she would never allow her life to be taken away
by them.
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