HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 375

lowering it down. He then drank the water he had gotten from the well.
The water was acidic. It wasn’t water. It tasted like lemon juice, but even sourer. And soon, he
found a human rib in the liquid.
“Holy Christ!” Lemar shouted.
“This village was not all that simple. It is full of mysteries,” he thought. He then searched the
village with fright. He couldn’t imagine what would happen next.
After that, he found a door adjoint to the hut. He opened it and yuck! He discovered a
human skeleton. Lemar let out a blood-curdling scream. It was so hideous and horrible! Was
this place haunted?
Lemar rotated his body and faced towards a grim reaper holding a scythe!
“Death is near… I’m going to be the one in that hut…” Lemar thought.
The grim reaper was actually a “revived” human skeleton, and he dressed in black cape. He
then lifted up his scythe and attempted to chop Lemar.
“NOOO!!!! Please don’t kill me!!” Lemar pleaded sorrowfully.
The scythe was so close to his skin but the grim reaper was knocked over and being
pummeled by a girl. However, the grim reaper managed to get up and kicked her. In the nick of
time, Lemar escaped as fast as he could.
Unfortunately, Lemar stepped into quicksand and the sand dragged Lemar down, so that he
could not run.
“HELP!!!!” he screeched.
He saw the latter girl being chased by the grim reaper.
“Dodge!” she beckoned to me.
I braced myself. The girl was running as fast as she could, but soon she was unable to
continue and lost stamina. Lemar could only hear shrieks and yells.
“Now you,” the grim reaper growled.
“Please… I would give you all the things I had. Let me go!” Lemar begged.
“Not until you experience the taste of death,” the grim reaper replied solemnly.
“No, please no! I still have my wife and children. I don’t want them to suffer,” he continued
to plead.
“Not until you experience the taste of death,” the grim reaper said again.
“Not until you experience the taste of death!” Lemar cried, and by the time he had gotten out
of the quicksand. He grabbed his dagger and tried to stab the reaper, but the reaper evaded the
attack. Instead, the reaper tried to use the scythe to chop him.
They fought vigorously. None of them could kill each other in the first couple of minutes.
“STOP!!!” a woman’s voice emerged.
A helicopter was landing near the village, and a woman disembarked the helicopter.
“You two are accused of entering to Mongolia illegally. Please follow us to the police station
now!” the woman demanded.
“Not until you experience the taste of death,” the grim reaper said the quote again and
grasped his scythe and attempted to murder her.
The woman then grabbed his pistol and shot him.
“Hands up!” the woman commanded.
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