HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 378

the sky was clear and magnificent, swirls are formed on the flat clearing of sand. With a camel
far away passing by slowly and peacefully, the gorgeous landscape and stunning scenery have
created an inspiring picture of a desired desert. Natasha gracefully appreciates the eye-catching,
new surroundings and eventually she falls asleep. At the mean time, everyone are as well...
The night is bitter cold, none of them isn’t shivering and breathing shallowly. Dreaming, she
had trudged through the blustery land, or, for a better word, the frozen hell, and now basked
in the warmth in a cozy living room. Chill and exhaust existed behind the closed door. To her,
it seemed like two sides of a coin; the first, the dry, intense, miserable weather outside where
only freezing gales and breezes in moderate yet dizzying speed existed. And in here, where on
instantly felt as if they had stepped in a warm bath, looking forward to the treasure they will own
after the journey.
The moon lifts to its highest, splashing silver onto the desert. Three big black wolves dash
toward one of the dunes, right next to the camp of the explorers. Forces of emptiness trigger their
beastliness and cruelty to kill those people for food. Sounds of howling, and bowling signifies
their eager and barbarity.
“Eh…guys, there’s something coming. Guys, wake up! We should probably leave now!”one of
the awaked crew.
“Mother of god……everyone run for your lives!” Trevor shocked and exclaimed.
Without adequate sleep and resting, the weak explorers dash to the north as far as they
can. Screaming, trembling and dashing, the tense situation won’t even give them a second for
thorough thinking. Panicking, a man for communication mistakenly tripped over, his supplies are
splashed all over the place, he is bleeding which looks quite serious.
“Trevor, help, I’m stuck.” He painfully asked.
Instead of lending a helping, Trevor has a glance on him and continues his escaping
neglecting the safety and circumstances of him. Fortunately, with the help from Natasha’s, he is
escaped from the wolves with safety.
A teammate picks out his handgun and shoots at the wolves accurately. One is down while the
others immediately rush away. Everyone feels relieved after getting rid of the problem. However,
problems never extinct. The biggest problem hasn’t come yet. Without rational thinking, they have
just run to a place that no one knows in the mile upon mile of the desert. They are lost! They are
hesitated and uncertain about the way to go.
“I think we should head back to the south, that’s the way we came from.” Trevor
confidently speaks.
“No, according to my compass, we are at east, that means we should head west,” somebody
rejected “And…”
“That’s enough. Nonsense, south is definitely the way to go. Come on, time is limited. Let’s go.”
Resentment against Trevor’s leadership gradually immersed, sadly, they have no choice but to
follow him. They walk and walk, and two days have gone. Worse, the other day, some explorers
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