HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 379

feel extremely tired and looked pale. Cold sweats are spilling continuously while their hands
tremble involuntarily. It seems like they have infected with Desert fever, victims will have an
influenza-like illness with fever, cough, headaches and rash. It is so severe that they are not likely
to survive in that disastrous environment of a desert.
“Our food and medical sources are scarce, but…but they are dying. What should we do
now? We only have supplies that suits for half of us for two days! Will that be enough? The
communication devices are hung after our escape, how can we contact to the world? Think
something!” Natasha anxiously and rapidly asks a bunch of questions.
“The longer the supplies can last, the higher chance we can stay longer” an explorer followed.
“The current situation ain’t appealing, it’s about survival and death!” emphasized by Michael,
specialized in communication technology.
“For more survival, somebody has to be sacrificed, undoubtedly.” Trevor seriously said.
“You mean?”
“Reduce the number of people here, for make the supplies more long-lasting.” he suggested.
“How could you? we are a team!” Natasha feels dismayed.
“Sure I could. If we don’t do like this, everyone of us will die soon. The situation is urgent and
sacrifice is unavoidable. Instead, we save the healthy ones and get a longer period of time for the
continuation, including ourselves of course. We still have a long road ahead.”
“No! We are a team, and my wife is infected as well. I can’t let her struggle and die when I
leave them alone cruelly, we are humans with humanity. And I’m done with you.”Michael yelled.
“Michael, waiting for death is pointless. Those who are sick can hardly be treated, why don’t we
just give them up? However, the communication geniuses should be saved, they are useful to us”
“Never, even there’s somebody needs to be sacrificed, we don’t own the right to control
everyone’s live and death.” Natasha strongly against Trevor.
“You can stay, while I am the owner of the supplies. It’s up to you.” Trevor said and left quickly.
At last, Trevor left alone with all the supplies but without anyone follow, even his wife. The
group take care of each other themselves, fortunately, they were saved by a gang of residents in
the Gobi Desert. However, Trevor never appears again, the ancient mystery will never be revealed.
Human won’t ever get any treasure created by god. Man may show his dark side of humanity
when facing disastrous circumstances, while the loser is always him not the others.
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