HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 381

Startled, I unbuckled my seatbelt and said, “David, we have to go now! The plane’s going
to explode!”
To my astonishment, David didn’t answer me. I wiped the blood on my cheek away and
turned around. A metal pole pierced through David’s chest and I knew he was dead from this
fatal wound. The smell of fuel got denser and I knew I had to leave immediately. With my hands
wrapped with pieces of cloth, I broke the windscreen and crawled out. Fearing that the plane
would explode soon, I ran and ran no matter how painful my legs were. The sand made running
difficult and I was exhausted when I got to a big boulder about two hundred meters away from
the crash site. Until then, I dared to look back at the site. The cargo plane was seriously damaged.
Black fuel spilled onto the golden sand and the whole plane was on fire. Both its engines were
buried into the sand and its body was torn into two parts.
A minute passed and the fire soon spread to the plane’s fuel tank. With a deafening explosion,
the plane burst into flames. Shrapnel flew everywhere and black smoke poured from the
wreckage. It was one o’clock in the midnight and it was freezing. I managed to stop the bleeding
of the wound on my forehead with my clothes. Fortunately, I wore my gloves and a few clothes
when I boarded the plane. I got closer to the wreckage so that the fire could keep me warm. The
Gobi desert was very silent and peaceful in the night. All I could hear was the fire burning beside
me and the wind howling. I knew that the fire would die out soon but it was the only source
of heat that could save my life now. I put on all clothing I could find in my backpack to keep
me warm. The night sky of the desert was exceptionally beautiful and starts glittered brightly.
Meteors flashed across the sky occasionally and I kept making wishes that I would get saved soon.
It was a tiring day and I fell asleep after a while.
I woke up in the morning. The Sun hung high and hot in the sky. There were hardly any
clouds in the blue sky and the heat almost killed me. I got up and took off my jacket. The whole
plane except the front part was burnt. I scrambled back to the cockpit of the plane and found
myself three bottles of water, one radio and some food. After putting all the things into my
backpack, I found myself a metal pole as a walking stick and started my journey to find help.
I decided to start my way north as I believed that there would be people living there. The Sun
shone brightly and scorched my skin even though I had covered my whole body with clothes. I
trotted on and climbed with all my legs and arms when I came to the sand dunes. There were
shrubs and other uncommon plants in the Gobi Desert. Besides, there were also some interesting
animals and insects such as mice and lizards. Gold eagles soared in the blue sky, preying on the
mice on the desert. During the journey, I realized that some wolves were following me. They had
thick, grey fur and had teeth like razors. Fortunately, I scared them away by creating loud noise
with my walking stick. The sun’s heat made me sweat and I almost finished one bottle of water
after a few hours. I walked for miles and miles but I still couldn’t find any people.
“You have to continue walking…”I kept speaking to myself.
After having some biscuits and water to obtain sufficient energy for my body, I kept on
walking. After a few minutes, I met a huge sand dune again. I gritted my teeth and tried to crawl
to the top. However, the sand dune was too steep and I failed for several times. Eventually, I got to
the top on my fifth trial. To my surprise and delight, I found a few people riding on camels about
one kilometer away from me.
“Stop! Help me!” I shouted at the top of my voice.
However, the people kept on moving. They were too far and couldn’t hear my voice. Suddenly,
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