HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 450

down and there’s only a few left. A pirate find him and shoot the man next to him ‘Sir! Sir!’ he
shouts as he tried to stop him from bleeding. “Go. Go without me. You need to live!” he speaks with
his last breath. He can feel his heart beats slower by the second, until it was gone. An other ammo
crashed beside his feet, aiming him next. He rises to his height, and run with a second of hesitate.
Ammos race with him with the beat of his steps, gun sounds shifts through his ears, making his
heart beats faster, a sudden pain felt in his ankle, he feel strengthless, sight is vague, his eye lids got
heavier by the second, he fell from the his original height. Fireworks didn’t stop, but enemies can
barely see his tracks in the dark, what they didn’t notice, a boy was hidden in the dark.
“Where am I?’ he asked with a vague sight. “Hey,hey,hey!”, a voice as he struggles. “Don’t
move. You’re hurt.” His sight resumed clear, an Asian man in a nice, clean shirt comes in his
sight, a little boy stares at him and spoke to the man with a different language. “He said he found
you in the pirates land passing out.” He didn’t bother to find out more since they saved his life.
“Thanks, but I gotta go.” “Hey, hey, hey! You can’t move! You will only get worse!” “Look man,
I gotta get back to my camp.” He noticed the little boy stares at him with eyes of his daughter’s.
He sat down and sighed. “Where is your camp?” the man starts. “I don’t know, but I’ll find a way
back.” “We can help you with that, we know everything around here.” “Thanks.”
Days went by, his wound got better and better, soon he was fully recovered.
He became good friends with the man David, a Mongolian. “Now that you’re fully recovered,
I ask you to do one thing.” “Take our land back from those pirates.” “What!?’ “We healed you, in
order to go back to your ‘camp’, you must do this for us.” Chuluun gives the weapon needed to
him, along with some life supplies, giving him the direction, and off he go. Following the map,
arrived in one of the land, hiding behind a barrel, the enemies come closer, without noticing, he
stabs him in the neck. Blood splashing out, soulless, he let go of him, letting him fall, his body
instantly hit the ground hard, with his eyes open, leaning against the ground, his breath stops,
heart beats slower, and soon it is gone. Another pirate comes over, and he is no different. Soon,
this place is clear, and back to its peace. He thought this is the end, but David proves he is wrong.
“You have to take this whole desert back to us from the pirates, and only then I’ll take you
back to your camp. This desert is very dangerous, you could get lost.”
“I can’t. I can’t do this anymore.” He leaning against the wall, sighing, he looked at the sky,
snowflakes landing, he tighten his fist, and grab his gun, going out to another battle field.
Soon, he took over the desert, except one place, the final place, the shore, all the enforcement
coming from. He hides behind the broken ship, aiming the enforcement alarm. At the sound of
the first shot, the enforcement was eliminated. With sounds of shooting, the few pirates left was
eliminated, and grabs the data file back to David.
“Dav !I got it!” he shouted with happiness and excitement. David grabs the data file from his
hand and bumped him onto the wall, he was knocked out.
“I’m sorry, but seems like you’re being an idiot the whole time. Now that we have this, the
desert is mine! Now what should we do with you? Kill you? I’ll let you go if you beg me.” “Please
let me go! Please!” “Since you have no use anymore, I’ll send you back to your ‘camp’.”
He was back in the headquarter, they send him back home, knowing his daughter, snow, was
in horrible disease.
“I wish I could wait for you, dad”, she whispered.
He arrived in the hospital, not seeing tracks of his daughter, nothing but empty beds.
I went into pieces.
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