HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 446

‘No worries,’ he responded.
And at that moment I saw a caravan under the orange setting sun. Riding the camels all the
way through the sand. One man stopped by and smiled and waved to me. I shouted.
‘Camel Caravan! Road of Silk! Legends are true!’
3. The way out
‘See those shining trees? Your vision is quite good. Come on, only two miles away from the edge.
C’m oC’m onn.’ Mr Clyde pointed the way, and said.
‘Okay, I’ll keep going... keep going... But I’m really thirst... Really thirsty,’ I said painfully.
Mr Clyde looked at me, I could not see his face behind that white mask, ‘You’ve already made
a good nine miles’ progress, now don’t let go, don’t give up. Come on, Lorraine, you are the bravest
person I’ve ever seen.’
Am I?
Every step I took was so heavy, that I could not bear it anymore. I could still hear Mr Clyde
saying, ‘Your will is your power,’ but I was so tired. Again, I saw father and mother. They were so
happy to see me, like bringing me to heaven...
‘One mile left, go on! Reach the edge, and you shall live once more!’ Mr Clyde shouted.
I don’t know why, but I started to run. I knew this would use up all my energy, but I ran. Like
a phoenix, ran to its nirvana...
I saw the poplars, and I saw a woman. She saw me. She ran to me and gave me water, she
asked me in Chinese where I had come from. I stunned, lying down powerlessly upon the sands.
Then I saw Mr Clyde glowing. He took off his hat and bowed at me. And then, disappeared saying:
‘Farewell, Lorraine Chang, daughter of Braveness. I wish you all the best of luck.’
Okay, you readers have possibly already guessed the ending.
One year already passed from the day I reached the boundary of China and away from the
despair of dehydration, I was brought back to Hong Kong, the city of my ancestors, with the help
of Mr Clyde, whom I really need to thank, although I’ve never see him since.
Sometime I wonder, was Mr Clyde a mirage? Was he real? Did I create him in my mind as a
supporter to help me cross the fire bed? Anyway, he illuminated my way, and led me to this true
world. Ms Lorraine Chang, has been my new identity in this whole new world.
I’ve got myself a job as an orator and a journalist! I’ve been on TED and a good many other
shows. I always show them the Chinese Knot, tell them the story that my parents told me, and
then tell my story.
‘The New Tale of the Gobi Desert, has been created by you,’ an member of the audience said to me.
Also, I’m being sponsored for another adventure into the desert that I’ve been living in for 19
years! Suddenly, a thought passes through my mind.
Will I see the man in that Camel Caravan smiling under the setting sun, crossing the Road of
Silk again?
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