HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 447

Tak Nga Secondary School, Vanessa Chan, Fiction: Group 3
opened my eyes; a strong light is blocking my view. I touched the ‘floor’ but instead of
feeling something soft like a mattress, I touched something dry and hot, like the texture of
sand…… Immediately, I stood up, and I found myself --- in the middle of a desert.
Normally, people in this situation will start to panic. However, I feel rather calm, or to be
specific, I feel nothing. I try to remember if I had a plane crash last night but then I realized --- I
had lost my memory. However, surprisingly, I remember objects, I still know what an apple is, it’s
just …… I forgot every part of me, my life.
Suddenly, a hawk from high above squeaked so loudly. I looked at it, and without any reason I
followed it, like a compass or a guide, leading me to solve all these unknown questions.
As the hawk flew faster, I ran faster. Dashing through piles and piles of sand. Then I stopped,
in front of a large tall pillar with a door at the bottom. Without hesitation, I grabbed the door
handle and opened it.
My quest has begun.
It’s a dark place, and I can only see a dot of light from far away. I walk towards the light but it
seems ages for me to arrive. As I walk closer, the dot grew larger. I start to smell something sweet,
like roses. Then here I am, in front of the light, which appears to be a glowing door. I opened it,
and I found myself in a flower garden. The sight was beautiful and the smell is sweet. I heard the
sound of a stream flowing and birds chirping. The harmony of nature pacified my mind, I lay on
the grass and looked at the clouds. Then, I saw pictures of me in the sky, like a movie. The sight
of my birth, hanging around with friends and many other heart-warming scenes. Then, I saw
a charming girl in a white dress; she held my hands and smiled so sweetly. Without thinking, I
knew it’s a wedding. I feel happy though even I don’t know this girl…… Soon enough, the images
fall like sprinkles and I find myself in the dark again.
I realized I remembered something, not everything but memories of joy. That girl is special to
me, I could feel it, and it is different from the other scenes I saw, a memory that changes me……
Soon, I came back to reality, acknowledging that I am in a pitch-black room. Even so, I felt
happy, or in other words, I only have the feeling of joy --- it’s wonderful.
This time, there is no light; instead I heard voices, voices from far away. I can’t recognize the
sound but as I follow it, its volume increases rapidly. Then I found myself at a dead end. Touching
the wall like a blind man, I found a door handle. Immediately, I opened it. The massive sound
rushed out of the door surrounding my ears, a sound like millions of whispers at the same time.
It was horrible, like an aggressive lion trying to rip you apart. I covered my ears, closed my eyes,
kneeled down and screamed.
Million of sounds start to fade out, leaving one sound behind.
‘You have been through the door of joy, collected your happy memories. Now that you have
stepped into the door of pain, your every single bit of memory shall be reviled……’
Flames burst out suddenly, fire surrounding me, smoke spins like a tornado in the air, in the
smoke and flames I saw a sight of someone……
‘This is you, Alexander Smith. A child born with surprisingly good intelligence. John Stilton,
your best friend since you are young, was jealous of you in the bottom of his heart but still he
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