HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 442

New Tales of the Gobi Desert
Suzhou Singapore International School, Misato Fujii Tham, Fiction: Group 3
t seems a pyramid has erupted itself out of the sand in the Gobi Desert! Police are looking...
sort of... into it to find out the 2 biggest questions. Who did this? And what will happen
next?” “Honey? Hon? You done with your homework? Sweetie?” My mom yelled. I had just
died from doing math for 10 minutes, came back alive from watching something completely
unbelievable on the T.V. and now my mother wanted me to work again! But what I was really
thinking about was how could a pyramid break out in the middle of the Gobi desert? Who was
behind this?
My name is Michael Hong. I know, I know, why couldn’t it be something that sounded cool like
Michael Lee the Invincible? That’s because my mom and dad are Mr. and Ms. Hong, which is not
the point I am trying to tell you either way, I am a detective. Detective Michael. It started when I
was ten, my first problem was when my neighbor got robbed and had her house almost in pieces.
I’d solved who it was and from then on I became a detective. Not world known... yet. You see the
YET right? Now I was 18 years old and I was on to a new case. Case no 68. Crazy, weird, unnatural,
unusual, mysterious, abnormal, pyramid, erupting out of the yellow sand of the Gobi Desert.
We arrived at China 1 day later. My convincing is very skilled. Despite the fact that I pleaded
my mother and father specifically NOT to come, they wriggled their way around on getting
tickets. Although they weren’t going to do anything with this case, they were going to travel
China and see the China of the China. I mean the China Teacups, China plates, China Teapots...
I had brought along my best friend detective Mo. A Japanese WORLD KNOWN detective, do not
forget the fact that my friend is a world known detective. His real name is Morihaku Takeshi.
Starting up the car, our journey of investigating this mysterious pyramid began.
An hour later, we arrived a few meters away from the boundary of the pyramid. As we
walked towards the red stringed boundary that the police had set up, what seemed like the chief
head police stopped me and told me some very inconceivable hypothesis’s. A. If you touched the
pyramid, it might burn your finger off. B. Maybe if the pyramid were touched it would explode.
C. You would be possessed from the evilness of the pyramid. Detective Mo, who did not seem
convinced, showed his I.D card and we were given permission to go in the pyramid sight. I
felt so special to walk in! Since it was not my I.D card that was approved, some police gave me
suspicious looks. As we walked around the pyramid looking for a hint, the police people seemed
to slowly walk away to a tent. It must have been lunchtime. Suddenly I saw an unusual dent in
the pyramid, “Hey, Mo! Look at this.” “Did you find something?” We decided to, finally, touch the
pyramid. Not that we believed the police or anything. ‘What idiots,’ I thought, ‘Who would believe
such things as to a pyramid burning your finger off?!’ Incredibly when we touched the dent a
square of the pyramid was lifted and in front of us was a quiet and dark staircase.
As we walked down the stairs silently, we saw a light at the end of the staircase but we also
heard mumbling. Was there a secret attack invasion being planned at the bottom of this pyramid?
Maybe weird animals were being kept and some people were behind this! Was someone going
to possess the Gobi desert? Even worse, would we be stuck here forever? My thoughts were
exploding in my head, my angel on my right shoulder was saying, “calm down Michael”, while
my devil was evilly cackling at these thoughts. On the other hand, looking at Mo, he looked
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