HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 441

the luckiest one after all. The sky slowly became dark and the moon started to hang itself up in
the dark sky. A shooting star passed by. I immediately put my hands together and prayed a silent
wish. I wish that I would be able to find my friends and everything would go well. After that, I
fell asleep.
Then when I woke up, the warm sunrays shone upon me. I was up and ready to go. My worries
once again dawned upon me. How was I supposed to find my friends in such a gigantic area of
space? I frowned. I was really upset with myself, why couldn’t I dig faster? I could have recovered
fast and not get caught in the sandstorm. Now I was miles away from home. It has seemed
impossible to find my way back. I sighed to myself. Such a failure I am. I laid myself to a rock and
rested. Then I found my way to the beach and scooped up a handful of salt water and splashed
them across my face. I felt instant refresh and coolness radiating through my body. Hope washed
over me once more, I will and I must find my friends again.
I picked myself up and started to walk towards the direction my six senth has told me and
where I felt most comfortable with. I walked towards the north, or what I thought is the north. Not
long, I saw some people with faint green caps and light green suits with lots of pockets with them.
People who are dressed like explorers. People that my friend has told me about. And what they do.
I longed to see them my whole life. They were side by side working next to toolboxes. They used
their tiny little brushes and brushed off the dusty sand off some bones. They the bones out one
by one, one of the bones spotted me and waved to me. Wait a minute! Those are my friends! I was
after all near them. I felt overjoyed but my joyfulness was mixed with different kinds of different
emotions like jealously and loneness. I’m not going to be able to get my dream of being the next
big thing in the museum nor am going to have my friends to accompany me. What a big mistake,
why must my life be like that. Those men were starting to get up and walking towards me. Oh,
maybe I can get spotted and get popped into the bag that the others were in. Hopefully. But those
men took a turn before rarely reaching me. Disappointed, I sat up planning to rest there my whole
life. Yea I know, I got hope before of finding my friends but now I’m alone. How wonderful!
Days later, those men came back, maybe I still got hope of living my dream of being a star in
the museum. Or probably wanting to find the missing piece to the whole T-Rex. Yeah, hope slowly
kindled back again. I lied back down back on the burning hot sand. Using their tools once again, I
didn’t think they would walk towards my position. Thus, I inched closer. They saw me or probably
caught me at the corner of his eye. He walked towards me and picked me up. He observed me,
used his mini brush and started to observe me again, turning me upside down. After correcting I
was the one he wanted, he called upon his friends and we took a car ride and I slowly fell asleep.
The next moment I wake up, I found myself in a museum with my friends in the position they
were a long time ago. A man picked me up, dusted me a little bit and carefully placed me to the
position I was supposed to be at. “Hi!” I greeted my friends. Instead of getting a nice greeting
back, they all folded their arms and stared at me with bloodshot eyes. “Where were you?” they
immediately questioned. I told my story from head to tail. They listened to me attentively while I
told my tale.
Now, you know where I came from and new you see me in some of the most famous museums.
I have achieved my dreams, after experiencing so many setbacks, I come to think that I am a
lucky one!
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