HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 445

The New Tale of the Gobi Desert
Live Once More
Suzhou Singapore International School, Jingying Wang, Fiction: Group 3
Crossing the shadow, through the edge of the dawn light, keep going, further, until you see the
yellow sand lying across the land, until you see the land of despair-Gobi Desert, the place where
no one lives, the desolation.The only thing you can see is the sand. Sand hills rolling down far
away to the boundary of the Desert-But there’s no boundary or border to the civilization. There’s
no way back.
No one will find me. Not even the stars can see me here in hopelessness. I am so cold, my
throat is burning. I need water... Father, mother, I see you upon the sky waving to me... Are you
going to lead me to the light?
1. Who am I?
‘Remember, your name is Lorraine, your family name is Chang. You are from America, the land of
Freedom, but your ancestors belonged to China... You are going to get back there, and not be like
us, stuck here forever... Remember, my honey, remember...’
This is the only thing I remember from my childhood. The words my mother always muttered.
I am Lorraine.
I was born in this desert, and grew up here. My parents were from an adventure squad from
America and probed deep into the Gobi desert. But when they finished all the scientific things, the
mirage gave them no way out. Their teammates died, and they found an oasis in the center of the
desert. We were lonely and hopeless, but my parents gave me all the hope they could give.
They told me the tales of the Road of Silk, and called them The Tales of the Gobi Desert. I have
a token from them which I have treasured for a long time, a Chinese Knot. After my parents died
from the sandstorm which also took away our oasis, it became my only hope. My only hope of
getting out of here.
And sometime I wonder under this large, wild sky, who I actually am?
2. Mr Clyde
I knew that if I walk south, I’d get out from that steamer. And on the third day of I walking, I
fainted. When I woke up, I saw a man with a mask.
‘Ms Lady, I guess you are dried up out here,’ he said.
‘Yes, sir, can you please give me water, I cannot live anymore on this fire bed...’ I replied hopelessly.
‘I’ll get you water and food in a second, and oh, call me Mr Clyde,’ he said.
Then I felt the water was all around me fallen from the sky. I stored some in my mother’s
bottle and drank much. Mr Clyde gave me a bowl full of sand and I found plant roots inside it.
‘I’m Lorraine Chang, and I appreciate your offer of help,’ I said chewing.
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