HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 448

treated you as a friend, until……’ Suddenly, in the flames was the girl I saw before, the story
continues, ‘Until both of you had a crush on this girl. You won her heart and even got married
with her, your friend was so angry that he can’t hide himself anymore. One day, while you were at
work, he sneaked into your department and --- killed her.’ Tears started running down my cheek,
I now remember who she was and the time we were together, my heart was so painful. With my
unstoppable tears, the story goes on. ‘You soon solved the death of your wife and the police caught
your friend, you were so shocked that the murderer was a person you trusted the most. With
all this bad news coming together, you couldn’t stand it anymore. Then --- you thought about
suicide. However you suddenly had a thought “I can’t die in vain, I want to help everyone else
with bad memories.” With this thought you created a machine that can wipe out memories……’ ‘So,
I destroyed my own memories?’ I asked. ‘Indeed. Yes. You tested yourself with that machine and
now you lie in the middle of the Gobi desert.’ ‘I don’t get it, that is nothing to do with the Gobi
desert!’ I said. ‘My son, every single sand in this desert represents a memory. The memories from
your past life or the memories you have forgotten. It is divided into memories of joy or pain. These
two categories must be kept in balance. If your machine is used by too many people, the memories
of pain will be too heavy, which will destroy the balance between those two.’ ‘So, what will
happen?’ I asked in confusion. ‘The desert will soon not be able to hold the amount of ‘pain’ and
the memories including your past life shall be returned to its owner. Most owners will die in stress
since your body is only enough to hold a life’s memories.’ ‘Then what about ‘joy’?’ I questioned. ‘It
will vanish, including the joy people haven’t forgotten.’ I gasped, knowing that I have made such a
dangerous machine, I feel guilty. ‘Alexander Smith, everyone should learn from their pain or joy,
escaping is never a way to solve anything, you have to stay strong and optimistic. In a person’s
life, there are so many challenges, you can’t escape every time, you have to face them positively.
Understand?’ ‘Yes.’ I said. ‘Good. I guess you know what to do next. Remember, I am always there
for you……’ ‘Who are you?’ her voice starts to fade out. ‘Someone that changes you……’
The flames and smoke in front of me stopped, like a picture, then scattered like broken glass,
reviling the sight of my machine. Immediately, I grab the hammer and destroyed it with all my
strength. Feeling much better, I grab my pen and decided to tell everyone --- another tale for Gobi
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