HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 730

Mixed blessings in the Gobi Desert
St. Mark’s School, Samson Sham, Fiction: Group 4
he house was swallowed by smoke, which was dancing back and forth jumping around
the rooftop. The outside of the house looked crimson as the reddish flame and the
blackened smoke attracted pedestrians’ stares. Dumbfounded, they could do nothing but
to gape at it. Only after one hour was the fire eventually put out. The police were trying
to inform my parents, who were the owners of that house, about this incident. They recognized
everything that was burnt, except for my little diary and my body, which they expected to find
lying on the bed, had vanished mysteriously.
As soon as I got back my senses, I sized up the surroundings and I felt shocked. There were
thousands of hills and suddenly something flashed in front of me eyes, I could barely distinguish
that it was an animal, because of the whirl of dust that had risen. In the meanwhile, I thought to
myself ‘Rather than just waiting here and doing nothing, why don’t I go for an adventure?’
After pondering deeply, I found the East by finding the direction of the sun; I learnt this
method when I was the king of orienteering in the Scout Patrol my Secondary School. When I was
walking due East, I felt something under my foot. It was like an egg, but an oversized one, and
when I picked it up and gave it a look, the color did not match with an ordinary one.
The moment, it started cracking, the opening got getting bigger and bigger. Abruptly,
something came out through the top of the egg.
It had a tiny head, and was like a tortoise, but the strange thing was it could stand upright,
unlike either tortoises or lizards. When I was still trying to figure out what that was, I suddenly
conjured up a picture in my encyclopedia. It was a dinosaur! Another recollection appeared in my
mind, the first place in the world to excavate dinosaur eggs was the Gobi Desert. From this piece
of information, I could confirm I was in the Gobi Desert. Somehow my memory comes through at
the right time.
Misfortunes never come singly. When I was suffering in the sea of sand, feeling like a cat on
a hot tin roof, I recognized someone in the distance; I thought he was a savior that Jesus called to
save me. As I approached the savior, I recognized the nauseating face, of my worst enemy ever. He
was called DK. We had millions of quarrels. We were well-known for discord. Before recognizing
him, I still believed that there was hope. However, not only was he not my savior, but also he was
my encumbrance.
We decided to split ourselves into two directions, as to prevent we were arguing. The baby
dinosaur must have the ability to find water. As I was in the desert, where the weather was hot
and dry, I required water to survive. For this reason, I let that little dinosaur, I called Dino for
short, lead me to the water supply.
After almost half day of heavy footsteps, we finally came to the Oasis, where we should arrive
to survive even we required to sacrifice a lot. I lay beside a coconut tree. The picture in front of
me was more like paradise than a desert, and the lake was as shiny as a mirror. The trees were
as tall as the concrete buildings in Hong Kong, but at least these were green, unlike those ‘black
trees’ in modern life. When I was relaxing myself and enjoying the peaceful environment, there
was a loud bray from somewhere remote.
After a repeat of the sound, I immediately recognized he was my burden. While I was still
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