HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 721

between each other became shorter.
After this day, they built stronger bonds with each other, hunting and swimming. The man
was surprised that he could make friends with such a dangerous but also helpful dragon. The
man earned more money than before with Gobi’s help and he bought a book which taught people
how to use magical spells to protect oneself. The man learnt the skills within a short period of
time and soon mastered all spells. But the problem was, besides using the spell upon him, who
else could he try them on? There was a fascinating spell which required a partner to activate the
power. The man thought, how about the dragon?
When Gobi was having his supper, the man came by and patted Gobi softly. Gobi did not feel
comfortable with such a close touch and growled a bit.
‘It’s fine. I am here. How about we try out this spell?’ the man asked, placing the book on the
table for Gobi to look at. Gobi looked at the man in a weird way and the man stepped back and
explained ‘If you don’t like it that’s alright. Let’s just forget about it.’ The man closed the book and
joined Gobi for the supper.
With the increase in number of livestock the man bought from the village, people are starting
to get jealous of him. ‘How can he be so rich all of a sudden? I only have ten sheep and five cows,
but he has twenty chickens, ten cows and ten sheep. But I worked harder than him!’ A merchant
in the village asked himself every time he saw the man shopping in the village. One day, the
merchant followed the man home secretly and discovered an enormous secret – a living dragon!
The merchant ran back to the village and shouted to everyone that there was still a dragon on
the loose and it was living with one of them. Dragons had been the greatest enemies of all human
beings and now there was a man who stand on the side of the dragons? All villagers were furious
to hear this and determined to capture both dragon and the man.
Meanwhile, the enemies of the village received the news of the fallen dragon tribe and
cheered. ‘They are no match for our weapons and our skills. Those sword and arrows cannot pass
through our newly invented amours. They will not survival this, without dragons on our way.’
The leader of the Darkwood tribe, who was living across the sea from the village, hungry to attack
the village in order to take over the place with blind force. The leader announced to his warriors
and explained his evil plans on destroying the village. In the next morning, they set off all on
their battle ships and was ready to attack the village once it was in sight.
The villagers caught the man and tortured him until he admitted keeping a dragon in his
home. While Gobi escaped from the villagers again, he discovered a lot of battleships lining up,
ready to land on the beach near the village. Gobi was in great confusion. He has once abandoned
his friends and family in this previous battle because of his wounded body. But now he was
healthy and powerful. Why didn’t he save him from the villagers instead of letting the other
people torturing his friend? The enemies are ahead, and was going to destroy his home. What
should he do now? Gobi turned around and flew back. He decided to save his human friend.
The man was locked up in jail. Behind those iron bars he was desperate, tired, hungry and
cold. He thought of Gobi all the sudden and tears filled his eyes. Why did he abandon him? Maybe
the dragon had never taken him as a friend, maybe just a toy, he thought to himself. How silly
was he to be nice to an enemy which struck hundreds of houses and forced families to break
up? He thought of all the happy moments when they were together, hunting and running across
the endless wheat field and sitting by the cliff together watching the sunset under the boundless
orange sky with a few glistening red clouds, reflecting the sunlight onto the sea. Things will
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