HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 728

“Alright… I’ll keep tabs on the matter, sir.” The soldier, surnamed Zhang, answered with
sweats all over his forehead.
23:00; 15/1/2015; Asia; Northern China; Gobi, Blue Sword S.W.A.T. team
“So gentlemen, let me give you a brief idea about the case first. Days ago, we received a
report about an open fire case in the desert. Security there suspected that there were intruders
into our nation’s boundary and they were believed to be Japanese. We do not have further info
on their agenda, but we know that they were heavily armed. We were there to look into the
matter and figure out what’s going on. Just a kind reminder, keep your eyes wide open, and
engage if necessary.”
“Yes Sir.” The troops’ helicopters landed on the desert, they hurried to exit the chopper and
start their search.
Hours have pass and they came up with nothing. When they were about to report to the
control centre, a message arrived and shocked them all.
“This is a very important message from the National Security Bureau. Gentlemen, listen very
carefully to what I’m about to tell you. Yes, you guys were looking for Japanese soldiers and they
are as well trained as you are. They have come into our country, or to be exact, into the Gobi,
for a device, according to Prof. Chen, a specialist in archaeology from the Peking University. You
must, yes, this is a must, find them out. Kill them. And retrieve that device before they reach it as
it concerns the safety of the entire country! It is believed to have the ability to alter the boundary
of the Gobi desert. In other words it could increase desertification of the region and hence bury
the whole of China with sands. Therefore, retrieve the device as fast as you can!” The call ended
before the men could reply to it. Clearly they were left without a choice and they continued the
search despite being incredibly exhausted.
05:00; 16/1/2015; Asia; Northern China; Gobi, Unknown Agency
“Sir, have a look at this,” Tandoka sounded surprised. The radar was showing a strong signal,
with the small LED bulb on it flashing.
“What we have been looking for is definitely very close to us at the moment. Search in every
corner brothers,” the captain ordered.
“That’s it! That’s the ancient device, captain,” One of the camo men pointed to a pond about
500 meters away from the team. Literally a desert, the Gobi is not simply about sands and stones.
It is rather a fountain of resources which few have actually recognized. In this little pond, several
swans were resting upon the calm water peacefully, totally unbothered by the tension of the
atmosphere. Toward the central part of the pond a bright light emitted. It was conspicuous but it
was not the kind of light that gave your eyes pain. The LED on the radar shone even brighter, and
flashed with an increasing frequency as the team hurried to the pond.
“Delta-Echo 3-3-9. Delta-Echo 3-3-9.” The captain adjusted the position of the mic on his cap
towards his lips and spoke the numerical and alphabetical series into it as the team approached
the pond.
“I’ll capture it,” Tandoka dashed into the pond. The swan were not bothered by that. They
swam aside and gave a way to him. His eyes reflects the light from the mystery object which
could change the whole world. Dipping both hands into the water, Tandoka returned with a
capsule-like device, which was comparable to the size of a soft drink can.
“Hunter 2-1, do you have the thing in hand?”
“Affirmative, Shadow. We’ve captured it. Requesting for evacuation and support, over.”
“Hold position Hunter 2-1, further notice will be given, in the interim, do not take further
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