HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 254

Fiction: Group 2
“What in the world? This is worse than the monster infestation!” cried Feather, as she searched the waters
for fish with her long black bill. Blackface shook his tail feathers. “What’s wrong?” He peered curiously at
the grayish water swirling around his feet and drank it, then immediately spit it out along with a few
pebbles. “Oh well, I guess the monsters are gone. The tides would probably wash the polluted water away.”
Blackface gave her a ridiculous look and hopped to a less gray patch of water and tried dragging his bill, but
again with no result. “The destruction of the flat stone polluted the waters and the fish all went away. We
can’t fish here anymore.”Blackface said, “I guess we’ll need to find new places, like you said.” And with
that, the sad couple lifted off with their flock to find a new safe haven without any pollution, just like their
old home where there were plenty of food and fresh water to drink.
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