HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 251

Fiction: Group 2
The Flooding Pearl
Good Hope Primary School cum Kindergarten, Chan, Daphane - 9, Fiction: Group 2
he murky water lunged at Xiao Zhu’s feet as the Aqua-Dragon roared. His talons were creating
another wave of havoc to the village along the river. The Aqua-Dragon had been causing flooding
to the village along the river. Xiao Zhu, living in the village, got her clothes all soiled. She was
nearly suffocated with the water. Her parents were drowned by the ferocious wave generated by Aqua-
Dragon. She wept by the riverside, knowing her father was dead. The dragon growled. “I am here to kill
human!” Its ochre underbelly shimmered with its cyan-blue scales. The azure markings on its snout made it
fiercer. Another wave was coming, Xiao Zhu could only hide in a wrecked jewellery shop witnessing the
water rushing from every direction. She shut the door to stop the water coming in and collapsed on the
creaky wooden floor. Only until a beetle crept on her from the floorboards, waking her up the next day...
Xiao Zhu woke and found herself lying on some drenched hay. Her pink blouse and shoes were
soaked through and caked in dust. The girl walked out of the ruined shop. She looked at the village and felt
miserable on what she saw. She fumbled with her family’s heirloom, pengling bells, in her hands. They
jingled like the wind in the willows. Soon after, a grunt was heard and a puff of smoke emerged. A
hugeamber eye gazed through the smoke, looking all around the place. The dragon fully appeared in its
enormous but majestic form. Two levitating strands of silver floated like clouds. Its slender form was covered
by overlapping silvery scales, like the leaves of autumn. Its head crest was gleaming in sunflower gold.
Themythical creature squealed. “Oooooh! I like that sound! I’d do anything for you to hear it again!” Xiao
Zhu gasped at this amazing creature. She had summoned the duchess of the sky! The dragon seemed to read
her mind. “I am a Sky-Dragon who is crowned to be the protector of the sky.” She flexed her gorgeous
wings and breathed out a fire enough to kindle a light. Xiao Zhu breathed under the warmth and asked the
dragon, “What is your name? Can you stop what the evil Aqua-Dragon is doing to the village?” The silvery
dragon replied, “My name is Starbeam Pearl Luna.” She added, “About the Aqua Dragon, I’ll do my best.”
Xiao Zhu gasped. “You know the Aqua-Dragon?” She shivered, thinking of what the evil did. “Yes I do.
The Aqua-Dragon, Azuriea and I were rivals from childhood. I’m the Sky-Dragon who takes care of the
sky. She often tries to ruin the sky, drowning the moon and so on. I shall try to blow away the water
flooding the village with a gust of wind.” Starbeam told Xiao Zhu. “I will not let Azuriea ruin the village.
Let’s find Azuriea tomorrow.”
The next day, Starbeam was ready. She had sharpened her talons with the sacred comets she
produced. The moon was worn on her back and her crest was glittering with stars because she was the ruler
of the sky and wanted to prove it to Azuriea. Xiao Zhu clambered onto her soft back.
They soared through clouds, a flurry of flapping wings and mist. Azuriea was there, she
and Starbeam glared at each other. Azuriea taunted, “Hello, Starbeam! What brings you here?” She then
made a whirlpool under Starbeam’s bottom which caused agony in the silvery dragon. Starbeam’s large
wings flapped in fury, “What did you do? How dare you damage my realm?” She launched a shooting star
at Azuriea’s underbelly. The Aqua-Dragon flinched and soared closer to Starbeam. “I won’t tolerate you,
Starbeam!” Starbeam attacked blindly. “My dream is to defeat you, and stop what you are doing to the
human and sky! It won’t be far!” The Sky-Dragon clawed her sharpened talons over the Aqua-Dragon’s
snout, leaving a gaping scar with seeping blood. Azuriea growled in humiliation. Being scratched by her
rival wasn’t very glorious. She unleashed a blast of murky water at Starbeam’s belly, the same kind that had
destroyed Xiao Zhu’s village. A splosh of it splashed onto the village and tormented screams were heard. A
tear trickled down Xiao Zhu’s cheek, knowing that her village friends were in danger. Starbeam read her
mind again and whispered. “Your friends will be safe. But before I die, pengli
” Her words were cut by
a blast of icy water. She responded to Azuriea’s attack with a strong comet.Azuriea dropped into the raging
river below. Starbeam signed in exhaust. “My destiny is to stop you from killing the village people along the
river, Azuriea. I will sacrifice myself to fulfil this!” She then spewed out a yellow mass and a flaming, starry
pearl fell. The wave stopped as the pearl forced the river to open, making the excess water flow out.
Starbeam started to drift down into the river and trapped the Aqua-Dragon into the riverbed eternally. Her
talons became the reeds near it. Her crest became the trees, and her scales became the flowers. The river
delta once again flourished. Xiao Zhu knelt down besides the river and jingled her pengling bell. And she
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