HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 499

Fiction: Group 2
The Sacred Treasure
The International School of Macao, Lei, Bosco - 11, Fiction: Group 2
he clock seemed to tick as slow as the time it took Binggan Long Huo to watch a snail cross the
road from the window of his eighth grade geography class. Mr. Wang’s voice droned on and on
about volcanoes. Bored, Binggan tinkered with his white jade necklace in a shape of a dragonhead,
hanging from a red thread. For a moment, the necklace seemed to shine, then glow blue and green waves of
light. All of a sudden, the bell rang and the clock had mysteriously skipped a whole period. “You are
dismissed now. Have a wonderful holiday!” announced Mr. Wang.
As Binggan was walking home that day, he noticed a faint turquoise-blue aura around himself. He
decided he was probably hallucinating, but could not be sure. SPLASH! Confused, he looked down at a
small puddle he had just stepped in. Instantly, ripples began to form on the water and out floated images and
scenes. A river darkening, strange faint translucent ghosts wearing top hats and an immense amount of gold
and exotic gems of all sizes, more than any king’s fortune.
That night sitting in front of his dinner, Binggan saw news reports that due to chemical waste from
five companies in Qingyuan, the Pearl River Delta was now heavily poisoned, infecting vegetables and
crops and killing fish all over the region at a very high rate. Binggan couldn’t contain his curiosity, so he
went to the nearest harbour in his town to see if the water was truly poisoned. Sure enough the river had
darkened, and dead fish floated on top of the water. “These fish look good enough to eat,” thought
Binggan. As if on cue, the fish began to disintegrate. “Wow,” he mumbled looking at the clear blue skies
where clouds like sneering faces seemed to stare down at him mockingly.
Disappointed by the loss of all that free fish for dinner, he kept watching the darkened green river.
Without warning, a voice boomed, “Arrrrrrrrrrr! Capture that lubber (land-lover) and drag him onto the
ship!” More voices followed, “Aye aye, captain!”
Binggan gazed at the speeding vessel and noticed that the ship was translucent and equipped with
forty canons in two rows on the port and the starboard, twenty rowers, and faint red and black-colored sails
with images of skulls. But the strangest thing was that ghostly black and greenish grey flames were burning
on the ship without harming it at all making the ship more menacing than ever. Binggan didn’t even notice
that he was being pulled and dragged onto the ship until it was too late.
“What riches do you have, you stinkin’ land-lover?” Binggan was too shocked to react. “I am
Throat Slasher, The Murderer of Snakebite Bight and the captain of Dark Wave Terror,” exclaimed the
captain of the ship, as he gestured towards his ship and reached out for his razor-sharp dagger while walking
towards Binggan. “Me and my crew have sailed the seven seas and aided every town or village. We are the
best pirate crew in existence! So I ask you once more, what treasure do you have?”
In a sudden bright flash, Binggan’s necklace morphed into a razor-sharp Chinese
which was
made of pure white jade and decorated with both blue and green gems. There were curved golden lines on
surface with a wooden handle and a thick thread of gold. The blade shimmered in his hand. A
new voiced talked in his mind, “I am
re gou,
the blade used by the most powerful of emperors. I shall help
you defeat them.” Binggan using
re gou
reflected the deadly blow of the captain’s dagger. Suddenly his
vision blurred as his eyes blazed with blue fire. With one powerful swing of his blade, a powerful blast of
golden light and a blazing blue flame blew up the ship. Blue flames swirled around him as a flash of golden
light teleported him back to the harbor. When it was over, gold coins as large as pancakes and brilliant
colored gems exploded into the air then vanished into the water like fireworks at a festival.
As days went on, Binggan kept on replaying the events in his head, deciding what to do next.
Finally, he went back to the harbor to check if something new had happened. When he got there, the water
was still dark, but a strange light shimmered in it. He stared at it, but he leaned further than he realized and
tumbled in. He tried to get up, but an invisible force was pulling him down. Faster than you could say,
“supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” he was dragged in a cave. Binggan panted and gasped for air as he tried
to remain calm. Although the cave contained all the riches of the ghost pirates, it was one thing caught Lee’s
eyes. A gigantic gem was shining a brilliant white with miniature rainbows inside creating its own light
source. Binggan noticed that there was a missing piece in the jewel. His jade necklace began to glow,
lighting up the entire cave. He inserted his necklace in the chipped part and suddenly it exploded into
myriads of rainbow-colored light rays filling the Pearl River and cleaning it as the waste dissolved in the
purifying light. All that happened in a flash of a second. The jewel had become a full jade dragon statuette,
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